How does an air conditioner work?

How does an air conditioner work? I don’t know that’s why we are learning about it today! Let’s hop right into it!!

So an air conditioner sucks the air into itself through little ducts in a vent. The air is used to cool gas in the evaporator, and as heat is removed from the air, it is cooled. Ducts will then blow the air into your house or wherever you want the air To blow into. The process continues until the air inside of where you have he air conditioner reaches the desired temperature.

Here is an explanation of how an air conditioner works a little bit more detailed.

The air conditioner in central heating and cooling provides cool air through the duct inside wherever your air conditioner is by providing a process that draws out the warm air, inside removing the heat. There, the refrigerant turns liquid into vapor, removing any heat from the surrounding air.

Here are the steps of how an air conditioner work

1. The heat from the house is absorbed by the refrigerant.

2. The refrigerant gets hot.

3.  The heat from wherever your air conditioner is transferred outside.

4. The refrigerant will get cool.


That is the really easy to understand way of how an air conditioner works. What did you learn? What do you want to learn? I hope you enjoyed reading this!

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