In the middle of May, I got an assignment to make it eassy to answer my main inquiry question for our capstone project. First, we had to take all our research and put it into an essay form. I thought at first this was challenging because our main inquiry question was our theist which made me confused. After I unstued the assignment it was not challenging but I felt it was time consuming because we had to rewrite all of our research in the matter of five days.

when you think of the Congo you may think of the dance but this is a country in Africa that has had lots of big wars such as the Second Congo War. This war had many deaths and was the second most deadly war behind WWll. This year, I am studying how the second congo war impacted the people and how they responded. The simple answer is that they have just been hiding from the war and staying out of it because of their lack of power. It is tough for them to fend for themselves because they would be going against militia and the civilians have no power over them. Also, the civilians are being pushed around, which has caused challenges for them.

The congo war started in the 90s when the congo elected a new president. Right after he was elected, Rwanda, a neighboring country, assassinated him. After that, the Rwandan genocide broke out and armed militias killed people from lots of countries. After that millions of Tutsis (a minority ethnic group that was persecuted) got revenge on Rwanda and invaded them. That helped stop Rwanda from terrorizing the Congo, but ultimately it was just the start of the war. The second congo war was known as the Great African War and is also refered to as the Death Toll. This is because during this war there were about 5.4 million deaths and it had the most amount of deaths during a war since World War ll. Although in the Second Congo War there were a lot of deaths they might not be due to what you would expect the cause to be. During the Second Congo War, most of the deaths were from starvation and disease. Although the mass amounts of people were dying due to starvation and disease there were still deaths due to gunfire but not nearly as many as starvation and disease. From 2000 to 2004 less than 10 percent of the deaths were due to gunfire. When the war started a lot of businesses shut down because the owners needed to fend for themselves. After that, mass amounts of people were being died due to the collapse of the health care system and food shortages. With a working healthcare system, these sicknesses would be preventable, diseases such as Malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition.

The war ended in 2003 and there was still massive violence between 2004 and 2013. It was believed that in congo there was up to 24 trillion dollars worth of minerals. This caused big problems for the congo. When this was known people treated it as the gold rush and everyone rushed to find these minerals to sell for money. When sold these people would not use the money for the right thing. Instead of using it for things like healthcare or a house or something as simple as clean water they would use it for things like weapons and combat items. This made it so that there were no positives at the time. 

The second congo war has not helped the people of congo or Congo’s government. During this war, many families and the people were terrorized and there is still trauma from it. The image of being forced out of your home or else you’ll be slaughtered by militia. Well, this happened to over 2 million people. Yes, over 2 million people were displaced from their homes due to the war. People tried to hide from the men just like during ww2.  After trained they would have to go fight for their lives. Sadly this would also during the war children were being taken from their families and their homes and turned into child soldiers. This was a terrible thing for the children and would give them PTSD something that is hard to handle simply as an adult. When children were by themselves they would almost be kid naped  Aand taken to their home and get the family parents ok to take them for money at the end. These children had many different roles. Some of these roles would include a mailbox. All they would have to do here is to simply give people information from far away. Another notable job includes really fighting. Sadly these would be the most common roles. This includes taking the mouth of a train and using guns.ld happen to kids as young as seven years old. A quote from a little kid that had to go through this was “Killing 15 people was like drinking a glass of water.” 

After the second congo war from 1998 to 2003, it started to get better or at least somewhat better. In 2004 although the countries had peace the militia groups were hard to stop fighting. These groups like the Tutu and the Hutu keep disagreeing and kept fighting for power and money, or what they would say justes.In 2020 it was known to man that the congo had 29,797,892 people working and getting paid which is better for the congo itself but is good for the civilians of congo compared to the stages that they were at in 1998 to 2003. In the DRC there are about 44 billion people that are above 18. This means that about 60% of the people of congo have a job and are making money. This number is lily to go up because there were fewer jobs in 2020 and lots of job opportunities closing due to covid. 

In conclusion From the peridot 1998 to 2003, it has been very hard for the people fo congo the thrive and lives a normal life. Although the U.S had helped with the problem it was just a really bad time. And sadly most people can hide from the military groups and stay out of it because of the lack of power they had compared to other groups and countries.  Also, they can not emigrate because of the lack of money they had like I said before they would only get like 15 dollars for doing really hard things. So overall it was tomitizing to the civilians during the war and you can say it gave them PTSD for life which could really impact people.


My WeVideo –

Capstone Interview

The purpose of an interview for this capstone project is to get more information on your topic. This may be a better way to get information because they may have more to say on the topic. This can be helpful to because if the person was someone who experienced what your topic is it would give even more information.

Right, when I picked the topic of the second congo war I knew it would be very hard to find someone to interview. First when trying to find someone to interview I thought that I should look up the congo embassy in us. But after looking at it I realized that it was more of a business center than just people from congo so I moved on. Then I thought of the u.s embassiter of congo. Once I found out who he was I realized that this would b hard to get him and him having time for me but still I went to reach out to him. I did not know how to get his email but I knew he would have a social media account. After I realized that he would probably have a social media account I proceeded to download Twitter and DM him. But not to my surprise he did not answer. After him not respond I thought that I was done for. So I decided to get researching until I have an Idea. The next day I was working on my project and looking on sites that had information on the second congo war and at the bottom of the site it stated who made it and I looked her up and it turned out that she was a professor at SUNY Brockport College. This sounds great so I emailed her with my mom’s help and the next day she replied saying that she would love to do it and was free at 4:00 on the 18th. I was very excited when she reponed, but I knew that I had to get to work and start making my questions for her because she said she would like them on that Monday. When I was making the questions I knew that I would want to get more information on my topic overall but also the parts that were hard to find on the web or in books.

My experience during the interview was amazing. My interview was with a professor a SUNY Brockport College. She was very helpful. When I went to interview her I did not know what to expect. Although I did not know her when I would email her she would be really nice. I did not have any exceptions but if I did have them they would be far exceeded. She was very helpful. For example, one very interesting thing that I learned was that when children when going to the millinery the family would be very pressed because they would offer the family money which at the time they really needed. I thought this was interesting because if the family was despite then they may send their kid away on purpose which does not sound good but in reality, they were despite

This project has been going great. Although I know that I am not done with capstone it is been a rollercoaster so far. From the decision on my topic to my very helpful interview to all of the research, I have been doing. I can not want the challenges to face at capcon and the big day.

Capstone blog post

This project I am going to be having my capstone project. This project is meant to warp up my six years at Heathcote by having a big project. A capstone is when you research any topic you want. After you pick a topic you have to research the topic. When I start to do my research I am going to search on the web on my topic read book but also we are required to interview any adult of choice that knows a thing or two on the topic and that is another way to get our information. Overall I am excited about the project but I will say I am a little bit worried about having to talk in front of everybody I will say I am improving my feeling about it.

When I went into this project I had no idea what was going to happen because I have no older brother so I was never told what it was. After I was explained what we are doing I decided to pick the second congo war. Although I picked this topic it was not easy to decide. I knew at the start I did not want to pick a papular topic like WW11 but I was open to doing it on wars because these are important topics. When I was picking my topic I also wanted to pick a topic that was not the most well know. I looked up wars on ` google and I got a big list of wars. After looking at the list I remember seeing a war called the second congo war and I thought this was a joke as in the dance the “Congo” and that’s what other people thought too but when I looked deeper inside it I saw it was a big topic and had 5.4 million die what is in the top 15 war with the most deaths. After hearing that it inte me to do the Second Congo War impose on other topics.

After I knew what my topic was going to be I had to come up with my main inquiry questions which were challenging but in a good way. The main reason why it was hard was that I had known nothing about the second congo war so I had to do some pre-research to understand a thing or two about the second congo. After I did some research I came up with the question “How did the second congo war impact the people of congo and how have they responded” overall I was very satisfied with the question

When I was coming up with these questions I thought they had some challenges but it was not as challenging as the other challenging. When I was coming up with these I just sat down and brained stormed. Two examples f my questions were “ how did the war start” and “how have most people died from this deadly war” overall I found this pretty easy.

Overall this project is going well. I can not wait to proceed and do more research, but most of all I can not wait to present to presentation.

Immigration Interview

This project is very interesting. It contains me having to choose and person I want that is willing to take the time for me to interview for the immigration project. After they agreed I would have to come up with 20 questions and then out of the 20 of them I would have to pick ten to 15 0f them. Then I would interview them and make a video around their answers. Overall so far the project has been great.

When I was making this list I did not just make a list of random questions and instead would take a lot of time coming up with them. When coming up with them I would have to make them all open-ended questions because without them being open ended then I would not be able to get all the information that I need. Also in information is very interesting and without them being open-end the only answers I would get is yes or no. Also, a useful way of getting open-ended questions is to simply just say why at the end of the question so if at first the question is not the open end I would just say why or explain. In my opinion, resources are not needed for getting your questions but when you are stuck and can not come up with a question take a mental break or ask someone for advice.

So far I thought that the interview was the best part of the project. Because it was hard for me to meet up with my interviewee I had to call which was as good. About 30 minutes after school, I called her on my phone making sure I was already because I did not want to waste their time or mine.I told her what I was doing again just to refresh her because I told her in advance and basically just started reading them off. One thing that I think is important is to make sure that you are saying it in a nice way because first of all this topic in some cases could be sensitive an also there taking the time for you so you want to say everything in a nice tone. One of the most interesting things that I learned was that at the time you were only allowed to bring anything under 2000 rubles which meant they had to give away most of their expense items but days before they were told that their dog was Russian property which meant they were not allowed to bring it with them so they had to sneak him with them when on the train he did not know what happened and where he was so he barked which lots of noise and almost got caught but luckily they got to Allen town Pennsylvania safe and sound

In conclusion, this project has been going great so far and I can not wait to continue the rest of the project.

Rube Goldberg Project 1#


Hi I am making a Rube Goldberg Machine. If you do not know what that is, it is a machine that has a simple highplex and other aspects to it to do a simple task such as putting ice into a cup. My personal simple task is to turn on a lamp. Although it may sound all fun it games it could be hard because you need at least 8 steps. Its fun and all but it can be hard.Overall I am very excited for the project. 

One website that I found useful is YouTube because I was able to look at other simple machines from the past in different scales which helped me a lot to come up with my idea. Another resource that helped me were different crafts stores or maybe your local home depot. These places were really helpful to me so far because they have many different things that you may need like cardboard, Styrofoam strings, PVC pipes and more. Also if you ever heard of PBS then you may know this but PBS had a great feature where they tell you to pick some materials that they feature and if you have them then you can pick them and they show you all the cool stuff you can make with them which I don’t know about you but I thought I would be really help full and like I thought it was. I know that I named a lot of resources but if you do not have access to these places/websites then no worry because something helpful you could do is simply look around your house. I personally found many things like toy cars I could use, Styrofoam, a bit of cardboard, and more. Overall these were the different useful things I used to gather research and materials for the project.

Many people think this part might be easy and fun but although it may be fun at some times it could be very hard. In this project we had to have at least 8 steps that are different 

(a step is a transfer of energy). And at least 3 simple machines. Some of  different simple machines are things like levers, pulleys inclined planes, wheel and axles, and finally the  screw. If you ever ya this I suggest do not stretch anything that looks really cool but hard to set up. For example if your sketch has 50 domino’s you have to set them up every time and you may have 100 attempts and after that one success which will be very annoying after a while. Also you don’t want to put something in your build that will be hard to build. For example if you just have just a lot of card board and you want to make a strong pole it may not be the east because of the lack of strength cardboard has.

Although I do think it may be a little challenging which after I did some attempts it was challenging, still I am not going to let that stop me at all. Over I am looking forward to seeing how this project is going to come out.

reading timeline

When I heard the project I thought it was just any old art project and kind of overlooked it for a while kind of till November 1 which was a week after and I only had 2 weeks. Right when I saw what we were doing I got right to work. I first went to see what other people were doing for their project. I saw I had to write text inside a folded piece of paper with the book cover glued on to the paper. I decided that I wanted five book’s so I went right to a doc, put the five books on it and asked my teacher to print it out. My format in my head was 5 big book’s on 1 and half piece of paper which seemed to work out for some people which was good to know that it would not be the hardest thing to do well and I also think I looked nice. After the book cover’s were printed I went to the next step putting the cover on the piece of paper. This step in my opinion was pretty easy and did not take long because the paper was already cut for us. After I had the books I simply wrote the text inside the book because I think with the format I did it looks nice, and that was pretty much my reading timeline 

My experience picking my feature article

This is my second day drafting feature articles and I think it is really cool. The topic’s that I came up with are Madden one, the NFL, two and beaver creek three. MY favorite is Madden out of all the three by far. I like Madden the most because it is A video game which I really like. It is about football, which is one of my favorite sports to watch and play. I did say I really like football but madden I know a lot about and the difference is the NFL is just football but madden is football and a video game.

Personal Narrative reflection

This was my first writing unit and it was amazing. It was definitely the best personal narrative I have ever made. My personal narrative was about me about three years ago when I went water skiing for the first time in camp.

Before I picked the story about water skiing I was really torn between two of my drafts. One was the water skiing one which is the one which I chose and a story about me skiing in the rocky mountains of  Vail and Beaver Creek. The reason I picked the water skiing one over the other one was because when I was writing the skiing draft I thought to myself would a reader find this story interesting because in skiing there is not much talk so it was mostly internal thinking which is good but should not be all of your story basically so I went with the water skiing one and I definitely do not regret it. 

I think one of the thing’s I improved from last year was probably my spelling and my punctuation. It was terrible last year. 25 percent of my words were misspelled which is really not good. Think about it. ¼ of your word’s had A red line under it. But that was last year, this is a new year and I definitely changed. There were only about fifteen words misspelled when I went back to edit the passage.

I just named the thing’s I improved in but not yet my strength’s. I think I always had a lot of writing stem especially   when I am typing which is very good in my opinion because if I didn’t have a good writing stem then it would take a long time to write the story or narrative which would not be good. I think I’m also good at telling which part of the story is most important and what part’s should make the story or not.