Gabriela’s Blog

Heathcote Elementary Student Blog

Rube Goldberg #2

The experience I had when creating, designing, and filming for my Rube Goldberg project was crazy. Some flaws and design flukes were bad enough to have to change my whole machine! My concept was a complete mess up, so I had to create a whole different contraption.

Designing my machine was hard. I had to have 4 simple machines included and also had to have 8 steps to complete the task. This was challenging as I did not know if the ball going down the track was a step. I decided against that. When I started building, I realized my pulley would and could not work. When I had to start filming, I had to rush to come up with a new design. My old would not work. I decided that it would start on a shelf, and go down with inclined planes. This would then end at the door. I barely kept any of my original design features. This showed me that the building will not always be built exactly.

During this experience I learned how to build ramps and supports and things like how to attach wood to a can. Though this was fun, filming was not as fun. My marble kept on falling down into a crack where no one could reach, and I got my first success too early. This caused me to barely get any footage.

In conclusion, this project was time consuming and overall very difficult. This process took two months to complete. Between designing and filming, this project was challenging and made me think a lot.

My video:

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Rube Goldberg #1

Planning and building The Door Stopper was a challenge. When I was testing it, the machine did not work the first time. It took many tries and changes to perfect it. The door stopper is a Rube Goldberg machine that will push a door stop into the door. There were many steps to building this, so how did I do it?

Some frustrating things that happened were not being able to find string, the walls I built would fall down, and other little things like that. But those aren’t the things that made me the most frustrated. . The revisions I made were when I realized that having the coca cola knock down dominoes would get rid of its force. One of my big insights was when I realized that my pulley would not work. Because of the marble being stopped while the pulley moved, the marble would not move. Another insight I had was when I realized that my wheel and axle could not reach the bottom of the track I had it on. Thus, it could not reach the marble. For this to work, the track’s floor would have to be raised higher.

Some of the resources I used were string, cardboard, marbles, boxes, cans, and the door stop. These materials helped build all of the parts of my Rube Goldberg machine. As I built the machine, I tested individual parts of it to know if it would work at least once. When I went to build the machine I could have a little more information about what parts might fail, or what parts are likely to ruin that run. Then, if different parts failed due to lack of force, I could know what to change.

In conclusion, my plan for The Door Stopper was not perfect and had many flaws. While building it, there were parts I identified that would not work/ did not have enough effort to move to the next step. 

My sketch:

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