Gabriela’s Blog

Heathcote Elementary Student Blog

Immigration Blog Post #2

During the process of making my immigration project, I had to do many things to prepare my video. From interviewing an immigrant, to transcribing Portuguese to English, and then making a video, this process was lengthy but fun.

The process of making the video was really fun. Learning about Tania (the person I interviewed) was really cool, because she spends a lot of time with me and my brother. Creating the script was challenging because we had to write it from scratch, with no help, no guidelines, and we were sent to figure it out. To find images, I had to scroll down and down for  a really long time to find one good image. The voice over always sounded weird, leading me to record and re-record multiple times. The most enjoyable part was when I got to interview the person, because I learned so much about Tania. What was challenging was when I had to translate a nine minute video from Portuguese to English.

I learned that interviewing someone is not just asking questions, it’s making up the questions, asking them, and recording the response. It’s also about editing the video in a good way, and making it look good.

In conclusion, my immigration project helped me learn a lot about Tania, helped me learn how to translate languages, and how to interview a person.

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