Capstone #2

Blog Post #2

By Gavin

This week has been very productive, but I was recently sick so I missed some of the process. This means that I can not go into grave detail about the process but, I can tell you what I did. First of all I came up with my main inquiry question, second I came up with sub questions. Also if you were wondering the Warriors beat the Rockets and now the series is 3-2.

What is a main inquiry question? Well a main inquiry question is the question I am going to solve across the whole six weeks. This question has to be something that cannot be answered by one Google search. My teacher Mrs. Cooper gave us a sheet that has examples of good inquiry questions and poor ones. I was getting really excited while I was thinking of my question because I was urging to start researching. However my teacher kept on saying slow down take it one step at a time but I just wanted to “Actually Start!” If you know what I mean. After a lot of thinking my inquiry question is how are baseball teams using technology to be more successful?

Now, that I came up with my inquiry question I started to come up with sub questions. A sub question is  the questions that I will need to research and answer as a step to answering my main inquiry question. You don’t have to read the following but, if you want to know my sub questions then don’t skip this. My first question is what is the shift? The second one is how does technology help coaches draft players? Next is how does technology help pitchers? Another one is what different technology do teams use, and lastly How does technology help batters?

All in all the next step of my project is to find reliable articles and sources. I don’t know what you think, but I my sub questions are really good. Don’t forget to come back to my blog next week for my “Capstone #3” blog post. I will keep you updated! 🙂

Capstone #1

Blog Post #1

By Gavin

What would you do if your teacher told you to come up with a topic to research for six weeks? I know right, it’s hard! Six weeks is the same as a whole month and a half! I am only a fifth grader this is the biggest project I’ve had so far! (Ps if you can’t already tell I don’t know what to research.)

First I, decided to bounce off ideas with my dad, we got stuck. But also all we wanted to do was watch the Rockets Warriors, West Conference Semifinals Game 2. So we got nowhere however we do know that the Rockets won 126 to 121 in Overtime. So I think it’s not a loss.

 All in all after a lot of thinking (and basketball games) I decided to do my project on how baseball teams use technology.  I choose this topic because I watch baseball on TV and, in the last couple years some announcers were predicting the next pitches perfectly. They do this by depending on the batter the pitch count, and or the situation . This always fascinated me so I decided to learn more. I’m really excited and also one of my friends dads works for the Mets so maybe I can get an interview with someone there.

Immigration Blog Post #4

I just finished my video and I am really excited to show it to my babysitter Jelena and my family. Overall, I learned how to do a proper interview and realized how lucky I am to live in the United States because I have many opportunities that people in other countries don’t have. I think this project helped me get closer to my babysitter (Jelena.)

Thank you for reading about my process, please enjoy my two minute long video about Jelenas Journey to America, I worked really hard…

Immigration Blog Post #3

Once I finished the interview, I started planning my video.  I started by making a table and it had 3 columns. The first column was the script/narration, the second column was the text on the slide, and the last column was the visuals.  This unfortunately did not work well for me because for me it was just writing on a page and I couldn’t really understand it until I saw the whole thing come together in the spark video.   For this reason, I decided to not use this format to plan my video. Instead, I decided to just type out my script and do the voice overs for my video. Once I finished doing this I watched my video and added photos  I thought fit best. All in all I still have most of my video done I just need to make last minute edits.

I however am a little ahead from my class because I want to get this done by Thursday when my babysitter Jelena visits. I hope she loves it! 🙂

Immigration Blog Post #2

My interview went very well, although I was very surprised how short it was. But I think it will be enough for my video. I recorded my interview using camera roll. I regret recording my interview. I should have wrote what Jelna was saying in a google doc. This would have been easier because this had to be done anyway.  It would of saved me a lot of time. However, once I finished typing everything, I was back on track. I think this problem will help me when I start Capstone, I plan to type and record my video.

In my next post you will read the following:

  • How I am planning the video
  • Struggles I am having, planning the video


Immigration Blog Post #1

Immigration Blog Post #1

So for the next couple weeks I will be writing about interviewing someone who immigrated to America. I am pretty excited because I really like doing projects like these. The first thing I will be doing is picking who to interview. Next I will come up with questions for the interview.

 I decided to interview my babysitter, Jelena because, she moved to America from Serbia. It was no trouble thinking of who to interview for me because, I see my babysitter every other day. The only problem doing my project on someone I see every other day is I already know so much about her!

For this reason coming up with questions for my interview was pretty hard, but once I got into the groove of things I figured it out. My best questions are the one’s where I ask her questions that can be answered not just as Yes or No. These types of questions are called open ended questions. This is better because if it was a yes or no question Jelnena can’t really explain the answer to me.

I can’t wait to do my Interview!

Rube Goldberg #6

Rube Goldberg #6

Tomorrow Sam and I are presenting our final video. Since our video is done I am pretty much done with the project besides clicking a button to start the video. My least favorite part was making the video and of curse when our project worked. My least favorite part was using dominoes and every time our machine failed.

My advice to someone who is just starting this project is to work with someone that you can handle. I mean Sam and I worked well together because we could handle each other. At times I was at his house for four hours. Believe me you don’t want to be at someones house for hours and hours if you don’t like them. My sister kept on telling me she hated this project and it was so hard. But really it was a really fun project for me. If you are starting this project go in with a positive mind set. DON’T DO WHAT I DID!

Rube Goldberg #5

Rube Goldberg #5

Once we finished our Rube Goldberg Machine I volunteered to make the video because Sam already did so much work with our planning board so I thought it would make us have an even amount of work. I love working with Wevideo! At times it was very stressful but I got through it just like how Sam and I got through our project. All in all I did not add everything that we used and tried to focus the video mainly on our end product.

Today we had a two hour delay so this whole morning I worked on our video. See the video for yourself. Click on the link Provided! Please Like and Comment

Rube Goldberg #4

Rube Goldberg #4

At 5:30 PM I went over to Sams house. At 9:30 Pm I left Sams house. In four hours and 14 tries Sam and I finished our Rube Goldberg!

I would say everything seemed to not be going our way. The electric motorcycle we used just had to loose it’s battery the one time our thing actually worked! You know how frustrating that is? News flash, Very! Also it was so weird that the BB-8 was moving and nothing transferred the energy to it. It was like there was a ghost in the room? I mean can someone explain what happened!

But finally our Rube Goldberg worked! See for your self in the link below.

Rube Goldberg #3

Rube Goldberg #3

Skeusch26 and I met again. I think this time went 100 times better than the last. We got a ton of work done! I think the reason for this is the fact that we did not get distracted. We worked the whole time I was at his house and we even worked when I left his house over the phone. I was a bit scared after our first meet up but now I know we can get this project done.

What we did was three things. Number one we tested, number two we revised, and lastly number three we filmed. Unlike last time when we tested our tests they actually worked! For example one test we did was pushing a car down a tube and hitting dominos at the bottom of it. After we tested we revised, which means we made our Rube Goldberg Machine better after we saw what the tests did. For example of this is that we had to revise our plan and shift the dominos so the car would perfectly hit them. Of course though we filmed the whole process so when we make a video on our Rube Goldberg Machine we can add our fails and successes.