Lima Beans 3rd Week


We are growing lima beans. one plant has water, sunlight, and air this one is the Controlled. The two Manipulatives have just water and sunlight [The No Air] the other Manipulative has just water and and air [The No Sunlight].

Growing Without Soil

A plant will grow without soil, but it won’t be as healthy because it does not have the extra nutrients it needs.

Controlled Compared to Manipulative

The no sunlight  is unhealthy because the plants either don’t have air or don’t have sunlight. When sunlight, air and water is mixed a plant can make food. Food helps the plant grow. Like humans food gives plants energy. The Controlled has all of them. The Manipulative does not have all of them. Also a leaf is combined with sunlight it can make food. You also need carbon dioxide to make leaves. This process is called photosynthesis.  The Controlled has carbon dioxide and sunlight. The Manipulative either only has just carbon dioxide or just sunlight. Did you know that if a plant does not have sunlight it will use all of its food storage to grow higher? The plant looks for sunlight. A plant does this because if the plant does not have sunlight it will die, if the plant does find sunlight it will make food.

Why The Plants Look different?

The plants looks different because they are in different conditions. For example the people that live in Antarctica look different from people that live in the desert. Just like how plants that have sunlight, air , and water look different than the plants that have no sunlight and no air. Different plants need different conditions. For example, if a cactus was sent to a place that had a lot of water it will die. Just like if you gave the flowers that live in the forest ground were sent to a sunny spot would die. Plants adapted to their environment.

Plant Growth

The no sunlight is unhealthy and it is yellow. Also, it is not growing the seed coat is still on. It looks the same as the no sunlight for the plants. I learned that the plant needs sunlight to grow. The no air is doing very bad it has crumbled leaves it was growing because the seed coat is off. 


Plants can grow without sunlight and  but it would be unhealthy. Plants can grow without soil, but it would not be as healthy without the soil.  


C-U India

In school we have been researching about countries cultural universals. My country was India. After we were done researching about the cultural universals of India we turned it into a book. Here is my book.

Seed Pods


We learned about pollination. I learned that an insect would go to a plants petals and suck up pollen grains then go to another flower and put the pollen on. When the two pollen grains mix it forms a seed, the seeds go down the stem and when they are ready they go and burst out of the plant. Next the wind, an animal, or water may take to a spot that it can grow and the whole life cycle starts all over again. How do plants get the insect to go on the plant? Plants are smart they have a great smell and their petals make it pretty to attract an insect. Did you know that the female part of a plant and a male part of a plant have to be both touched by an insect to make a seed.

My Plant

This week the big difference was my plant grew flowers. We started pollinating the plant, but since our plants were growing inside and there was no insects everyone used cotton sticks and touched one female part and one male part as much as they could. After we were done pollinating the plants flowers started going away and the stigma started getting bigger. In each stigma there are seeds. My groups longest stigma was 4 cm I think they is 5 seeds in that stigma.

What Will Happen Next

I think in 2 days my groups plant will have no flowers and the stigma where each flower use to be will have 10 seeds. Then after the seeds come out of the stigma the plants will start dying .

Week 2 Planting

Week 2




The May 8th  the controlled was healthy. Cell 1 had 8 leaves and it had some buds the measurement was ½ of a CM. Cell 2 had 9 leaves the measurement was 2 CM. Cell 3 nothing was growing, and finally cell 4 had 4 leaves that was ½ of a CM. On May 9th was the same as the 8th. May 10th cell 1 has 7 leaves cell 2 has 16 leaves. Cell  3 nothing was growing – I think it was a dead seed. Cell 4 has 6 leaves. The only change was that  May 11th cell 2 grew 4 more leaves. May 12th the plant started dying.   


This is What it Looked like After a Week




Nothing is growing.

This is What my Plant Looked After 2 Week
This is What The No Sunlight Looked After a Week

No Sunlight Compared to My Plant


The no sunlight looks not healthy. It is yellow and it only has a couple leaves. My plant is more healthy it has a bunch of leaves and is green. Also the no sunlight has a weird stem color



I realized that plants need water to grow . We realized that to drops of water was not enough so we changed it to 6 drops per cell. Also we realized that the lamp aka the sun was too low so we made the lamp higher, and it started growing again.  I also realized that plants will grow without sunlight but it won’t be as healthy without sunlight

Week 1 Planting

Week 1


May 2, 2017 is when we planted our Controlled the controlled meant that we did not change a thing we had water, sunlight, soil, air, and fertilizer.


The next day May 3, 2017 we planted our Manipulated. Manipulated is when we took out one thing and saw if it mattered if we could have done something else. For example my group used soapy water instead of water. We planted it the exact same way just that we are going to water it with soapy water instead of water. By then there was a little leaf coming out of the soil in my Controlled. Cell 2 was the only one growing ,it had a bud. The rest were not growing. Cells are what we planted our plants in. We planted 2 seeds in each cell and there were 4 cells. We numbered them 1,2,3, and 4.


May 4, 2017 was the first day we started taking observations. For the Controlled cell 2 has 2 leaves the height of cell 2 is 1 CM. The rest of the cells have just dirt. For the Manipulated all the cells have just dirt nothing is growing.


May 5, 2017 was day 2 of taking observations. For the Controlled cell 1 has 7 leaves cell 1 is 1 ½ Cm long. Cell 2 has leaves which is ½ cm long. Cell 3 has 2 leaves which is ½ cm long. Cell 4 has just dirt. For the Manipulated it is still only just dirt in all cells.

This is what my plants looked like after a week

My Math state test Reflection

My State Math Test Reflection


I would do the math state test everyday if I could. The math questions were fairly easy. Also we got a lot of recess we got about 1 hour to 2 hours a day of recess and did I mention that I got no homework!That left me with hours of free time to play sports. Every day after school I went home and played basketball. I normally do homework first. I even got my sister to play she never plays! The last day had the hardest problems but there was only ten problems so it took the same amount of time as the other days. The math state test was easier than the ELA test.
From the state test I realized I did lot in school. Some of the stuff I learned this year that was on the test was Multiplication, long Multiplication, short division, bar modeling, word problems, bar graphs, and more. When I first learned everything it seemed kind of hard and there was a lot of oohing and awing. Now I can do it in a couple of minutes instead 10 minutes. The State math test was so fun!    

Book Of Month

Book of the Month


One Plastic Bag


One Plastic Bag by Miranda Paul  is mainly about some women that fixed a problem that helped all of Gambia. My favorite part was when the problem was solved and people had purses, because I like happy endings. The book reminded me of the rabbit and the hare. People were throwing plastic bags in the ground they expected they would go into the ground but they didn’t like the hare thought he would win no matter what even if he takes a nap. The women that made the purses took their time and were slow but got it over with and people thought they were crazy during the process, the animals thought the turtle would get crushed, but he went very slow and he won! The message of this book is plastic bags are bad for the environment. I think that if the women did not try to fix the problem Gambia would be full of plastic bags by now because  there was a problem and if they did not fix it, no one would. For example, people thought they were crazy during the process, and if they think they’re crazy why would they want to be crazy. It was a fascinating story. It made me think about the green club.

Image result for one plastic bag

Banning Plastic Bags in Bali


In the TED talk banning plastic bags in Bali mainly is about how two girls made a difference and solved a problem. My favorite part was when they showed the picture of them at the airport because after all there pushing they finally got in. The TED talk remind me of the old saying kids can make a difference. The message of this TED talk is kids can make a difference. I think that kids are very brave because they were not afraid of the challenge. It inspired me and kids can make a difference.


My Poem Reflection

My Poem Reflection

By Gavin 

The poem I choose was Birthday Parties. I wrote it on a airplane to Israel. My mom gave me the idea. I wrote a sad poem and my mom told me that she wanted a happy poem. I asked her what happy topic should I do. She said birthday parties. The first thing I think about when I hear the word birthday parties is having fun. That’s where I got the line birthday parties are the best not just when they are yours, and even when it pours. When I think of birthday parties it’s a time for kids to be free no rules like in schools. That’s why I wrote you can do whatever you want you can get a croissant. I also think of hanging out with friends and doing activities. That’s where I got you invite all your friends to have a ball you can can go to the mall. I also wrote sports video games hanging out with with friends when you’re older you can get new contact lens. I wrote contact lens because I wanted something that rhymes with friends. It’s not a birthday if the birthday kid does not get presents. That’s why I wrote when you are a kid you can get gift cards, video games but be careful some stuff can be a little lame. Some little kids get clowns or princesses pirates. That’s why I wrote you can get a pirate to say ahoy mates, you can get a clown with a crown. I revised it over time from there.  

Birthday Parties

By Gavin


Birthday parties are the best

not just when they’re yours,

and even when it pours.

You invite all your friends to have a ball,

some people go to the mall.


You can do whatever you want

you can get a croissant.


Sports, video games, laser tag,

eating out with friends,

when you are older you can get new contact lens.


When you are a kid

you can get gift cards, video games

but be careful

some stuff can be a little lames.


You can get a pirate to say ahoy mates,

you can get a clown with a crown.


You can get people that work at places

to make your party aces.


A cake carvel can bake.

Party favors for candy lovers,

but don’t tell your mothers.


You eat pizza and punch for lunch.


You only get it once a year

so make this one to remember

because then you got to wait to next September.


No matter what

best of all

you are always going to have a ball!


My State Test Reflechtion

The test was so fun, even though I had to do reading and writing I had 1 hours and 30 minutes of recess! It was so fun. We just did work like we usually do just with 1 hour of recess! The test was easy then our regular work is, we normally have to 3 pieces of evidence and a lot of elaboration. Also I do multiple choice questions all the time. I got to put my head down stretch and take a nap! We did not have homework too. Heathcote was so nice about it!  

My moon unit reflection

I learned a lot about the moon, like waning and waxing and the phases of the moon from new moon to a new moon. I know what you are thinking it’s the same thing, but the moon cycle does not have a start or end. I just started at the new moon and I ended at the new moon so I could see the whole cycle. Fun fact when it’s the stage of a full moon we are only seeing half the moon! The moon rotates around the earth and sun the white part of the moon always faces the sun, but we don’t always see the white part. The moon rotates but what causes the phases? The faces are caused by the dark part of the moon and white part we don’t always see the white if we did it would be a full moon if we saw the dark part of the moon it would be a new moon. When half the moon is facing us it’s a quarter, when a sliver of the moon that is facing us is white we would see a crescent, when a sliver of the moon that is facing us is dark it would be a gibbous.  The reasons we have faces of the moon is because the moon rotates if the moon did not rotate it would depend on where you are you would see the same moon every night. Ms. Kiely came in we watched mystery since videos about the moon. The faces are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent, New Moon and all over and over again. The moon is always there we just can’t always see it . Have you ever heard of the man on the moon? Fun fact it’s not actually a man on the moon! People say the moon looks like a mans face. It looks like a mans face because meters that hit the moon over time.