
A week  ago in tech class with Mr. Calvert, we made switches. These particular switches were made with cardboard, straws, popsicle sticks, and rubber bands. We had to make the switches so that the tin foil can touch each other. Because tin foil is conductive, we put the alligator sticks to each tin foil and we can light stuff with the switches. We put the tin foil in reasonable spots where the switch works.

The Flashlight

In technology, we are building waterproof flashlights for people who get trapped in a flooded cave. The flashlight we are going to make can light more dense than the water so the people that are trapped in the flooded cave can see through they water.

Capstone Rev

I think I did pretty good in my capstone project because I finished before the presentation and I did 2 site visits and 4 interviews. When I presented i was nervous and soon later I got used to it and I was not scared anymore and I did not need my index cards. My first viewers were my parents so I was not nervous to them but to the others, I was a little nervous.