
Archive for capstone

Jun 10


Capstone is coming to an end I’m sad but glad. I’m sad because I really liked this project but happy because it was hard and I didn’t want to do more work. In the middle of this project, I had to start over your probably wondering why I had to start over well it top secret information. I’m really proud of my work well if you really want to know how proud I am take a look at this photo.

May 17

As I said in my last post we have been working on our capstone project mine is Pfizer and Moderna’s covid 19. Part of the project is to interview someone.


I interviewed a family friend who works at Pfizer. I had a lot of trouble coming up with questions and some of them he couldn’t answer. The interview went very nicely he told me a lot about mRNA and why it is so important and why people should get the vaccine. He said he didn’t want me to use his name so I have to talk to my teacher about what I should do.

I also tried to get an interview with someone who works at Moderna but I didn’t have time. I am very excited to see what’s next.


May 16

Right now it’s the time of year when we have capstone. Capstone is a big research project that we do in fifth grade. I’m excited about this because I get to use all of the research skills I have learned in the past years. The first thing that we had to do was develop a topic. I wanted to pick something I was interested in so I chose the covid 19 vaccine specifically the Pfizer and Moderna. Next, we had to come up with the main question it was challenging but fun my main question was what is the significance of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Ok, I have the main question but I have to have some sub-questions so what I did was think about what they might be then I had to make them relate to my main question. One of my sub-questions is What is mRNA and why is it significant? Another one is Why is it significant that people get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine? In all, I still have work to do and I cant wait to complete this project.


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