April 8

Immigration Video

This is my second blog post of the immigration interview project. For this project you had to interview an immigrant that you know and ask them 10 to 15 questions about immigrating. I interviewed my housekeeper Juanita she came from Guatemala. Making the video was very challenging for many reasons. One of the reasons was i could not use any pictures of her. Also I was using a new platform for making a video. I normally use WeVideo but this time i used adobe. I also waited till the last minute.This project taught me a lot about immigrants. For example, it is pretty expensiveness to immigrate here. Also it is hard to leave your family. I also had to learn what an open ended question is. In conclusion this project was a big learning experience for me and my interviewee.


April 1

Immigration Interview Project

The Immigrant Interview project is where you interview someone who immigrated from a different country that you know. I interviewed my cleaning lady who I see every day. She is from Guatemala 

Prepping for this interview was pretty easy. The hardest part was definitely staying serious during the interview. To prepare for the interview I had to learn what an open ended question is. 

The interview was pretty easy. Because the person I interviewed did not speak fluent English I had to explain most of the questions to her. I did the interview in person. I got to learn a lot about her like that her first job was at McDonald’s. It did not go as expected because we kept laughing. It was very fun.

In conclusion, this project was very fun so far. I learned a lot about my interviewee. I can not wait to make the video about her story.