
I think building something means that you are taking an idea or creation that you thought of and you make it a reality. In other words, I think when you build something you’re taking and making it something real that you can use. I think that something built can look a million different ways.  One thing that I built was a flashlight last year in technology.  During parts of the building process, I was confused because I had never built something like that before it was also pretty challenging. Because of this, at the end of the process I was really proud of myself. The flashlight is still in my room today, but I don’t think I have used it because I haven’t needed a flashlight. I probably will use it at some point when I need one. Here is a photo of it:

I personally love to build and create things. My favorite parts of building something is  being able to decorate it at the end and being able to see what I can accomplish at the end. Building and creating things are very different from my regular hobbies. Doing things like building allow me to physically create something by myself, which I don’t usually do.

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