Buddies Reflection

Today, we went to buddies. This time was extra fun, because we were teaching them how to use Chrome Music Lab! First, we brought our ipads and headphones. We went down to the kindergarten wing. Then, we found our partners and they went to get their ipads and headphones. Ms. Boyer said if we wore our headphones all the time, then we could sit in the hallway! Me and my buddy both wanted to, so we sat next to the doorway. It was very quiet, so we could hear the music better.

I first introduced her to the song maker. We liked it the most, and we decided to stay on it longer. Then, I showed her everything else. She said she couldn’t hear the music, so Ms. Furgatch asked someone else to help. After we figured it all out (it turned out she didn’t plug her headphones in!), we did a few more of the music “things”. She mostly stayed on song maker, but on my ipad, I showed her the music things she hadn’t played with yet. After a while, we had to go. I said good bye, and we left. I thought this was really fun, and I hope next time will be as fun as this time!

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