Awesome Wednesday

Today is E day and in the morning, Ms.P. asked us to do cursive pages. It wasn’t that hard because it was copying words and even some grammar teaching in the cursive. First, we did math. We are learning two digit multiplication and area bars. The multiplication was a little confusing at first because there was a lot of numbers and we had to add them together.

Then, we went to music. We learned about some religion traditions in Hanukkah, Christmas, and even some of Kwanzaa. We also learned a song that all three 4th grade classes are going to sing.

After that, it was almost CCT time. We did a little bit of science. We are learning about food chains and food webs. It was fun because we were going to make our own food webs. We also went through what we were going to do at CCT time.

At CCT time, we had to finish some multiplication problems, answer only six science questions, and some cut and paste science activities. The room was really chaotic.

Finally, it was time to get ready for lunch. I sat with my friends and at recess, I played with my friends again. Recess is my favorite part of the day.

Then, after recess we did reading with our reading partners. We edited some paragraphs that we wrote yesterday. Some had a lot of mistakes. Others paragraphs didn’t have a lot of mistakes. We also had to edit our own paragraphs with our partners from yesterday. We had to edit a lot because there were a lot of mistakes! If we were done editing, then we had to work on some math problems from yesterday with our same partners. We pretty much did that for the rest of the day. Today was awesome!


Native American Show!

Today at school we had an assembly of Native Americans! What happened was four Native Americans came in and  they danced, sang, and told us about Native Americans. One of the Native Americans danced so quick in a really big costume, while another Native American played the drum and sang. After they did that they told us about something called the Love Flute. The Love Flute is a flute that the Native Americans used to play in front of a girl that they like. They say once you play it that girl will fall in love with you. There were a lot of more cool things they did, but it would take a lot of typing to explain. I think that that concert was very fun and cool and I hope they come back next year for another concert!

Another Thursday in Ms. P’s class.

It was Thursday morning and when my classmates and I walked in, the white board said we had to finish some pages in our cursive book. Since it was F day, at 9:30 we headed to P.E. At P.E. we played a game that was kind of like dodgeball. There were two doctors on each team and if someone got hit with a ball then the doctor could come and tap them back into the game. The aim of the game was to get both the other team’s doctors out.

When we got back from P.E., we ate snack. While we were eating snack, we were also making a diagram of the life cycle of a plant. When we were done with snack and making diagrams, it was CCT time.

At CCT time, some of the people in our class go out to separate teachers for special purposes. The people who don’t go, get a list of work to do.

After CCT time, it was time to go to lunch and recess. The lunch special was pizza, but not many people got it . After lunch it was recess time.  It was indoor recess due to snowy weather. So, during recess a lot of people played knock hockey or dominos.

Next, after recess we were back in the classroom to do some more work. When we got back to the classroom we had to take out our reading notebooks, come to the rug, and sit next to our reading partners. We were focusing on taking notes. We practiced editing and revising some other people’s summaries of the book Heat Waves and Droughts.

After that, we had to edit each others summaries with a partner until the end of the day. Right before the end of the day, we copied our homework and put it into our bag. Then before you know it, it was time to leave!


Thinking Thursday


“Good morning students,” Ms. Papantoniou said as I walked in the doors. I sat down and started my morning work. Thursday is instrumental day which means we get to do a bunch of different things like math science and other stuff.

Then we went to P.E. that’s short for physical education. We played a game, where we had a scooter, rope, 6 spots, and a hoolahoop. We had 10 people on our team and we all had to get across! It was really fun. Then after that, we had a working snack.

After that we had lunch and recess, my favorite part of the day! I sat with my friends and tried to chew with our mouths closed. It didn’t really work. Then we had recess. We played on the playground and some kids played tag. We returned to class and worked on independent work.

Then it was time for library. We learned about indexes and the table of contents.  We also learned about subtitles. We guessed how George Washington became a good leader. Someone said all good leaders have fluffy hair. Then we did an assignment with our partners, were we had to write a prediction about the headings and what the text would be about.

When we got back to the classroom and then it was time to leave. It was an amazing, thinking Thursday. Looking forward to tomorrow!

Wonderful Half Day Wednesday

Today is Wednesday, and it was a half day. When we walked in side of the classroom we checked our grammar and word study homework. After that Mrs. P taught us how to do multiplication in a different way. I think it was easy because it’s less multiplying than usual, and some addition.  


After math, it was time to go to P.E. Last week our P.E. coach, Mr Hoover, told us we were going to do step stone, and some team work. When we walked in the gym, Mr. Hoover explained what we were doing and than Mr. Hoover made the teams. There were 4 teams, three teams had 6 people, and one group had 5 people. I was in the team with 5. After that, we did exercise to warm us up and then we played. Our teams huddled up to do a strategy and my team had a good one. So we started, if someone fell on the floor which is (lava) your team has to restart. We got some circle spots and everyone started. It was fun, and hard.


Then, we did a summary about how heat waves and droughts begin. It was not to hard. It was only a few words. After a little, we did some reading activity with our reading partners.


Finally, our teacher showed use what we had to do for homework. It looked easy and fun. We packed up our stuff, and when the bell rang the pickup went and then the bus. It was a fun half day.

Terrific Tuesday!

This morning, everyone came in the classroom and checked the grammar and math homework from last night. Ms. P had a meeting to go to at 9:30. Ms. C and Ms. Fairley were going to take care of us.


After checking homework, we began math. We were working on multiplication with bar models. Ms. P assigned us to do 3,4,5, and 12.


Next, we did independent work. We have a checklist of what to do.

Here are some things we did:

1) Fiction Story  

2) Finish cursive pages 50-59

3) Watch the movie about Adaptations in your chrome book, science folder.

Those are some things we did.


After independent work, we went to Music. Native Americans came to school yesterday and did dancing and played music, but today they are coming back and taking any questions. They took questions and they showed us  two videos of Native Americans. Then we did the Duck Dance and the Snake Dance. It was so fun!


Next we had CCT time. At CCT time we just resumed are independent work.


Soon after, we did reading and writing. We were working on identifying the five Non-Fiction text structures that an author uses. There is Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect, Problem and Solution, Sequential, and Descriptive.


The last thing we did today, was blogging about anything we want. This was surely a Terrific Tuesday!  

A Great Monday in Mrs. P’s Class

Today is Monday in Mrs. P’s class. We just had Math. It was was fun because we are learning about multiplying big numbers. I personally think it was easy. Although I am not very good at my 7, 8 , and 9’s table.

After that we had Spanish. At Spanish we did an animal chart it said how many legs this animal had, and does this animal have a tail, and lots more.

Then we went to a Native American Assembly it was really fun. There were lots of colors, and dancing. They even asked for some guests to come up and do a dance with them.  The thing is Mrs. P had to choose, and we had just told everyone in the class to point at Charlie so he could go up. Our plan still worked everyone instead of pointing at Charlie we, all told Mrs. P to chose him. He ended up getting to go up either way. When he went up they did this funny robin dance. A little after that they did a romance story, but instead of telling it they acted it. They got a teacher up on stage and made the story come to life. That was hilarious to!

Then we had CCT time. At CCT time we just blogged for a little while. Then we went to lunch and recess. We have lunch first and then we head right out to recess.

Then we wrote a summary all together about this book that we had been studying called Heat Waves and Droughts.

After that we did diagrams. We were with our Nonfiction reading partners. We had to read a passage and then make a diagram of what is said or talked about. Then we wrote our homework in our planners. After that Mrs. P told us about the next day because it was going to be a little different.