How It’s Made – 7th Grade Tech

For the past couple of weeks, as well as working on our projects, we’ve been learning about physical properties.

After watching a video on how marbles are made from the “How It’s Made” YouTube channel, I observed a couple of things about glass’s ductility and moldability and how those properties can be affected by temperature.

To make a marble, you need to melt glass. I observed that when the glass came straight out of the furnace, it was very ductile. You could apply tensile strength to it and it would deform, it would stretch, but it wouldn’t break. I also observed that it could be easily molded into a shape that would hold.

This video not only taught me how marbles are made, or how glass is very ductile and moldable, but also how a physical property of an object can change depending on the temperature. When glass is not melted, it’s not ductile or moldable at all. However, when it is melted, that’s a different story.

Building My Drawer – 7th Grade Tech

Earlier this week, we began to build our projects! We were given bags with all the necessary tools, opened up our 3D models on our iPads, and then got to work!

I was handed 3 planks of balsa wood to start off. First, to make the bottom face of the drawer, I cut a 10 and 1/2 inch piece from one of the planks using the mini saw because I was cutting across the grain. To double layer it, I cut another 10 and 1/2 inch piece from the plank. Before gluing them together, I needed to make one of the 10 and 1/2 inch pieces 1/8 of an inch shorter in order to make the rabbet joint. Just as I was about to cut 1/8 of an inch off, the bell rang. That meant we had two minutes left, so we had to start cleaning up. We didn’t have much time to start building, but I think I made pretty good progress.

I can’t wait for tomorrow! We’ll probably continue!