Computer Tech Post #4 – Learn To Code: Commands

This week in Computer Tech, we have just begun to start using the coding app, Playgrounds. We did the Learn To Code tutorial on commands in which Byte has to successfully complete a task by following the commands you give him. Byte is the orange, alien-like creature on the right of the screenshot.

When coding, you have to be very careful because one wrong step makes the entire thing collapse and off-task. Sometimes, when I was doing this tutorial, Byte would move 2 steps instead of one because of a mistake, and then he’d be doing something totally different than what I wanted him to.

A good strategy to use when coding is going step by step. To make Byte successfully complete a task, before I started coding, I made a route for Byte in my head and then put the pieces together one by one, following those steps. It was very helpful and this way there weren’t as many errors.

Here are the steps for Byte to collect the gem andtoggle the switch using the shortest route:

a. Move forward

b. Move forward

c. Move forward

d. Collect gem

e. Move forward

f. Move forward

g. Move forward

h. Move forward

i. Toggle switch

Although coding is a bit time consuming, I think it really improves your problem solving skills and creativity.