Rube Goldberg #6: Materials

Everybody needs materials to build anything from scratch. An when building a Rube Goldberg materials are basically in the name. If you want to know the top of the top best materials to build a Rube Goldberg you have to read this. First you want things that money can’t buy you want the teamwork material you want the working to be done with a friend(s) and you want a lot of determination.  Now it is time for the materials that money can buy such as marble tracks, Cups, marbles, pvc pipes, blocks, dominoes, a hockey ball, and a ping pong ball. If you are ever going to make a Rube Goldberg here are some reasons that these will make good materials for you first of all they are handy. Second you always want a ball so that you can knock things down and so that you have something that is easy to move. Third you want dominoes cause that is key for chain reactions. Finally you want a camera so that you can shoot the video!


Here is the video.


One comment


  1. hbomb_1010 · March 8, 2019 at 1:48 pm ·

    i like how you included the steps to building a small rube goldberg