Tag Archives: Compare

Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince Jot

In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince I think that Mr.Gaunt is just like Professor Snape. I think this because they both have a very cold attitude and they both make people frightened. I think Mr.Gaunt is like a past generation of Snape. I also think they approach people they don’t know with like a evil look. Maybe Mr.Gaunt is what turned Snape into a evil guy in the first place. Snape might of always been a nice guy but when Mr.Gaunt came along Snape turned into the person he is today. I think Mr.Gaunt is Snape’s role model. This makes me think the reason the chapter is called “The House of Gaunt” because maybe there will be other people in the Gaunt family too. This is why I think Professor Snape is just like Mr.Gaunt.