My initial thoughts

having a blog can have some freaked out content but also you can give or get advice from people around the world witch is cool and this is also a way to make friends with people with out know so much about them and also you do not have to be so so so scared about asking because they not going to be stalked or anything . there going to now you as a person on the internet itself and also you can always have the chance to report a problem spam to protect your self its sort of like a way of self defense but on the internet.scary things could happen on the internet and sometimes you can not change that because some people can do but do not. but also on the other hand it can be really cool you can be the boss of a blog you can post advice asking for advice and have a chat even a group chat it helps so sometimes you can be scared on the iternet but having a blog solves that and that’s whats good about having a blog

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