#6 working on my final product

Well after weeks of deciding or in my opinion one minute I decided to do a Ted talk because I think ignites explain you main inquiry but I had too much information for each topic and there was a number of sides that were required so I could do all my questions with some long and some short so that’s why I did a Ted talk, I did make it the best I can but I made it better than I thought!Although I was worried about how I only had one week I did really good! the script, in my opinion, was hard so that took maybe just as long.  I thought I would have a long time but one week was enough so…  My final product will be amazing in my opinion I think I chose the right option for me because it is flexible and free you I could do a lot of thing with only the required time which is 4-8 minutes I am very proud of my work and I think this was the best presentation for me and I got a lot of work done.

Here is my presentation