Choosing A Topic: Capstone #1

We found out that we were starting Capstone. First, we had to choose a topic to study for our Capstone project. I thought that I wanted to do Hershey because I knew a lot about it and I was going there for two days over break. I discussed with Mrs. Edwards if I should do Hershey and she said ,”Capstone is supposed to be something that you don’t know a lot about.” I realized that if I do Hershey, I already know a lot about it so, I won’t have the full Capstone experience. I decided to pick a topic that I don’t know a lot about. At first, I did not know what to do. Then, I thought about it and I thought that it would be fun to do Dylan’s Candy Bar, Crayola or American Girl.  I thought hard on what I wanted to research a lot about. I also thought I wanted to do something that interests me that I would have fun doing.  I thought Dylan’s Candy Bar would be fun because all the candy and how it’s one of the most popular candy bars in the world. So, I did Dylan’s Candy Bar as my main topic. We also needed a back-up idea and I was deciding between Crayola and American Girl. I thought American Girl wouldn’t have a lot of websites on it or information. I knew that Crayola has a lot about history, how they make the crayons and A LOT more. Now since I figured it out Dylan’s Candy Bar will be my Capstone idea and Crayola will be my back-up idea. As i’m writing this I realized I might want to do Crayola because if you think about it Dylan’s Candy Bar is just a store that sells other peoples candy. Now I am doing Crayola as my main Capstone idea and Dylan’s Candy Bar as my back-up idea and I feel like I made the right choice. Even though I did my switch so last minute and I already have information on Dylan’s Candy Bar; I am glad that I switched over.I can’t wait to learn more about Crayola for my Capstone!

One thought on “Choosing A Topic: Capstone #1

  1. I enjoyed reading about the topic “ride” you were on. 🙂 It may not have been a straight path, but it seems that getting to “Crayola” as your topic is the right place to be! I’m looking forward to reading more about your Capstone process.

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