Working on my Final Project Capstone #6

When we found out that making our final project was the next step in Capstone I had no idea what I was going to do. The choices were iMovie, Ignite, and a Ted Talk. I already knew I wasn’t going to do an Ignite because I wouldn’t get that much information out. But I wanted to do an iMovie but what would bring it together. By that I mean like an interview, travling back in time e.t.c. and that didn’t really make sense with my topic. I knew you can’t just list random facts. Mrs. Edwards gave me the idea to do a time line and focus up on the really important parts but It sounded a little boring. The last thing that was left was the Ted Talk. I thought it would be good because I would be able to tell a lot of information but I just didn’t want present it. I would have to deal with it thought. I decided to do a Ted Talk. The next step was deciding what slides I would want to have and how many slides I would have. It was hard coming up with the slide because I was going in the direction of doing each slide as a different important time. I didn’t like that idea so I did the things that would be most important. My interview answers helped me with that. When I was done making my slides this is what I came up with. The introduction, How Crayola came to be, Crayola from the beggining, The Crayola crayons thought the years, Crayola now, Hit products, Improvments and the ending. I thought these were the right amount of slides and I would be able to tell a lot of information about these slides but it would take some work doing it. I decided to write a script becasue I’m not the type of person who can just go up and present all the information that I know that relate to the topic. I would take a while thinking of it and making sure it would make sense. I would also repete a lot of things. I started writing the script one slide by each slide. I started writing on the index cards and I relized it’s hard to get the really important parts because there is so  much information included in each topic. Now I finally finished my index cards on what I’m going to say during my Ted Talk. All I have to do is practice and fix some little things. Overall I can’t wait to present my Ted Talk!

Here is a link to my slideshow. 

One thought on “Working on my Final Project Capstone #6

  1. Wow! I really loved how self-reflective you are in this post, like when you wrote, “I decided to write a script becasue I’m not the type of person who can just go up and present all the information that I know that relate to the topic.” How cool that you know that about yourself and just planned around that. I also liked when you wrote, “Now I finally finished my index cards on what I’m going to say during my Ted Talk. All I have to do is practice and fix some little things.” I’ve been watching you use our class time so well to work on your final product and to keep practicing. Well done, Sammy! I can’t wait for you to present tomorrow and Tuesday! You got this! 🙂

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