Now that we had our halfway built of our Rube Goldberg we thought that we could put books but we thought that when the foose ball goes through the tube it will lose speed and not hit the books down and we were right so we put a golf ball at the end of the tube and hope it will knock down. Then we had to get it moving into the bathroom so the last book we made sure that it was heavy and tied a string on the book then that went to the bathroom and we taped a piece of paper than tape so the string could move. Than we left a little space and hung up hangers on the string and that led down to the faucet and would hit the baseball. Than when we tried the ending to see if it would work it didn’t seem like it was a good idea so we changed the hangers to wiffle balls so it’s more controlled and heavier. So than we did our collaboration video we thought that we should not use domino’s because it wasn’t having effect on the tennis ball and wouldn’t push down. Than we decided to do instead of the baseball do a tennis ball so it was less weight and would be easier to push down. Now that we had our Rube Goldberg built and have changes all we have to do is see if it works!