Once I chose my topic, the next step was to write my inquiry questions and sub questions. I started working on our inquiry questions first. An inquiry question is the question that gathers all of your Capstone research together. When I changed my topic to Crayola, I changed it last minute. I had already made an inquiry question for Dylan’s Candy Bar. It was “Who are Dylan’s Candy Bar’s top competitors and how do they compare?” So when I was thinking of a inquiry question I didn’t want to do a compare question because Crayola is probably the most known. I felt like this topic was harder to come up with a inquiry question about because there is more information about Crayola than there is about Dylan’s Candy Bar. I knew I wanted to do something with how the crayons are made and what are the ingredients but more advanced. Mrs. Edwards said you can look that up online and there would just be a list of ingredients. She gave me a suggestion of doing something with the color alive app. Here is what it was: “How is Crayola using augmented reality to make coloring and interactive experience and how can it be used for educational purposes?” I didn’t really want to do my Capstone related to Crayola technology. So I tried to think of what I could do. I thought of doing it on how Crayola evolved since it started as a company. I asked Mrs. Edwards to see if it was fine. Mrs. Edwards said it was good – it just needed an extra part. I thought, and I came up with, it could be something about how what have been the things that have made it successful. So I wrote: “How has Crayola evolved since the company started and what have been the things that have made it successful?” I asked Mrs. Edwards if it could be my inquiry question. She said some words just needed to be fixed so we did that and I had my main inquiry question. This is what it is: “How has Crayola evolved over the years and what have been the key elements to the company’s success?” Next, we started our sub questions. They had to be questions that answered our inquiry question. We started by getting a worksheet organizer that had six spaces for each sub question. I wanted the first sub question to be something like: “What are the most popular products sold?” I worded it: “What have been the most popular products that you have sold?” For my second question I wanted it to be something like how the products that they made how it has evolved. I thought this was a good way to explain it: “What are the different types of products that you make now?” The third question I wanted it to be like how they came up with all the ideas to make the coloring materials and how they thought to create them and that has to do with the success of the company. I wrote it like this: “How did the crayon, marker, and colored pencil come to be?” The fourth question I was wondering how has technology changed Crayola or something related to that because that shows how Crayola evolved. I thought I would do something that would involve a little more of an answer and I came up with this: “How does Crayola of the 20th century compare to Crayola of the 21st century?” Then, for my fifth question, I thought of something. does it take longer to make markers than crayons and why does that certain one take longer. I thought it would be a good way to word it like, “What is the daily production of each product?” You can have five or six sub questions. But I wanted to have one extra one just in case. I thought Crayola is really popular – why is that? So I thought to word it like: “How is Crayola above other competitors?” Now I had all my sub questions written. In class, we had partners and we checked over our sub questions with them and re worded them. My partner suggested I change them to #1,”What have been the key products that Crayola has sold?” #2,”How have the products that Crayola makes now compare to the products used to make?” #3,”What information did Crayola use to make the color pencil,crayon,marker or twistable?”#4, my partner thought I should keep it the same as “How does Crayola of the 20th century compare to Crayola of the 21st century?” #5,”How has technology changed the way Crayola produces there products?” #6,”How has Crayola make there products more popular than other companies?” Those are all my revised sub questions by my partner. All I have to do is check them with Mrs. Edwards and find the answers to them. I can’t wait to do further research on Crayola for my Capstone!
I loved reliving your process with you, Sammy. I remember how excited you were when you finally had your main inquiry question to sound exactly right. 🙂 It’s worth all the hard work, isn’t it?!