#4 Capstone Site Visit!

Yesterday I had my Capstone site visit! I went to the Common Sense New York office. I was having a hard time finding a site visit for my project. I was planning to set up a site visit at the Twitter headquarters, but the contact Mr. Casal had said that it would not work for me to come. I was starting to panic a little bit, but then Tali Horowitz from Common Sense agreed to an interview and also said that I could come to her office for a site visit!

After I set up the interview and site visit, my dad agreed to take me to New York City. On Tuesday, I had to miss half a day of school. That morning I got dressed up and rode the 9:14 AM train to Grand Central. My dad and I had some time so we went to a tennis shop. We just looked around for a bit to pass the time and then we went over to the Common Sense office. The office was located on the second floor of the First Republic Bank at 56th Street and Madison Avenue. The space was donated because Common Sense is non-profit organization. The main head quarters for Common Sense is in San Fransisco, California.

When I walked in, I saw the meeting room where Ms. Horowitz was finishing her meeting. After she finished, she gave me a tour and showed me where the other employees work, her office and the meeting room. Three people are full-time employees, but other people come in to meet in the office. The organization had pamphlets on different subjects. Ms. Horowitz gave me one on virtual realty and the risks to kids.

Overall I had a great time and learned a lot!

1 Response

  1. I thought that it was very descriptive. You told me a lot about what actually happened, the process, and how you got to deciding. I think you did a great job.

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