Maglev Train Reflection

A maglev train is train that floats above the track. Our first maglev train did not work. I think it did not have enough repulsion and also the train was to big to make it float and also only one person was working. The first design had at least 20 disc and 5 strip magnets. It looked like it might work but it didn’t so we had to improve it.

Our final design we thought it didn’t work because the box was to big so we switched boxes and it finally worked our maglev train held around 15 marbles because we had 10 seconds before we started this blog post so we didn’t have enough time to finish experimenting how much marbles we could actually put in to it

I learned that the better you work together on a team activity the easier it is to finish the project. An I also learned that you have to plan first and not randomly choose a idea that we think is good we have to try to predict what will happen like will it work will it float very high and that kind of stuff.

Expert Book

This is my expert book it will tell you about all the gods it was hard to find the right words to say and remember everything i new about the Greek gods also it was hard to think of the words I would put in but it was easy to think of what the pictures will be.