Rube Goldberg #4

Our final step is to pop a balloon to wake me up from boring homework.  During this process we had to blow the balloons.  This was an interesting experience.  We learned that using water balloons are better than regular balloons, because they are smaller and thinner.  We also learned that if you blow the balloon too big, it gets too thin and tying it makes tiny holes.  During our experiment we learned that facing it sideways ensures the thinnest layer is vulnerable to popping.  To pop the balloons, we decided to use thumb tags that are hot glued to a wooden block.  To make sure one connects with the balloon, we had three thumb tags on the wooden block.

One thought on “Rube Goldberg #4

  1. I like your word choice such as when you wrote, “boring homework”. Maybe you can give more detail on how the block moves.

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