Be kind

If you had the choice to be good or to be kind, be kind.

Kindness is like a store, which everyone gets to rely on.

It is a pillow that everyone lies down on.

Kindness can be a lot of things, or sometimes

everything. Kindness means a lot to every one

in the world even if it doesn’t seem like it.

You can rely on kindness or sometimes, kindness can

rely on you. Remember to be kind.


It is important to be kind but having a kind heart is more important.

Kind hearts are sometimes hard to find they are like red ruby’s waiting to

be mined.

kindness is also being nice because you wouldn’t if you bullied.

Kindness is the most important if you are a friend. It is the most important to everything.


Cows moo and the sky is blue

The cows are mooing

and the sky is getting blue in the

daylight. Cows like to moo

when the sky is very blue. some

cows are brown some are black some

look everywhere some look at the blue

sky then they moo.