Post 6 – Working On My Final Project

When the time came around to piece together all of my work, I had no idea the format that I wanted to use. All of the options were TED talk, ignite, WeVideo, or presentation. I automatically knew that I would not do a WeVideo due to my past experience with that application. I was also pretty sure that I had a bit too much information to do an ignite but I’d still like to do a live presentation. These filters left me with one final option. It was then that I decided to convey my information in the form of a TED talk. A TED talk is similar to a lecture that is 5 to 8 minutes. Most of the time you talk very freely and without much of a script to guide you. Of course I still wrote a script. I made this choice because I tend to kind of get off topic when I lecture and so I needed this script to keep me grounded. The other problem I was nervous about was that I may not reach the time that is needed for a TED talk. To solve this problem I timed myself running through my presentation and found out that I had made the cut. 6 minutes!

Click Here To See My Presentation

Capstone Post 3 – Interview

Finally! All of my sub-questions are done and it’s time for the dreadful scheduling of an interview. It’s made easier because I am allowed to do it over email or skype. But I still have to find, contact, and schedule with someone who knows a lot about my topic, which is kind of impossible in my case. Ugh. That is the exact reason why it is theย dreadful scheduling of an interview and not just the scheduling of an interview. Even worse is that it is May 12 and my interview is due on May 25. Now you can see what my problem is. Anyway, I should probably start gathering some more resources.

Step One: Finding an Interview Source

In library we worked on finding keywords to type into the catalog search in order to find print sources. I used these keywords and typed them into the Google search engine, sometimes adding words and sometimes removing them, in order to find some sources. One of the first names that came up was of an employee at the Maritime aquarium which is located in Norwalk, Connecticut. I checked out their website and they seem like a reliable source. It’s important to make sure that your source is reliable because you don’t want to have false information included in a research project. It’s time for the next step!

Step Two: Contacting Your Interview Source

Mrs. Cooper was extremely helpful when she had given us a template that showed us that we want to sound polite and not demanding. And that we want to state where we are coming from, who we are, and why we need the interview. This are just a few of the tips we were given. Once you start typing up the email it’s quite hard to stop. Well, until you don’t have any more to write. The next step I took was editing and revising any grammatical errors that I may or may not have had. The final and most nerve-racking step of them all is to click the send button. I can’t even believe that aย professional is going to be reading this!

Step Three: Scheduling Your Interview

I can’t believe it! They wrote back! ๐Ÿ™‚ And what they wrote back is great. They wrote something along the lines of “Thank you for contacting me. I am available on Tuesday at 5:00, does that work?” Now of course I didn’t write the entire email because it was really long but as you can probably guess I replied with a yes. Not in that exact wording though.

I have some bad news. It’s the day before the interview and they just canceled on me. Back to square one… WHY!!!!! ๐Ÿ™

Step Four: Finding Someone Else

I started simple and just typed in “aquariums that hold axolotls” but not many things came up. Since this happened I ended up using google’s advance search and found the Dallas World Aquarium Zoo located in Dallas, Texas. Thank goodness I can do this over skype! As you may remember I have to check that this website is truthful about their information so that I do not receive any false information. After checking the website, it seems that this website is trustworthy and it is time to contact them.

Step 5: Re-Contacting Your Interview Source

It’s as though drafting emails becomes harder and harder as you do more and more. But why? Maybe it’s because you want it to be perfect so that you don’t have to re-re-contact or find yet another person!!! As you can see, this is actually quite pressureful. But I think that I might have finally found the template that fits my use perfectly. At least it isn’t as hard to click send! ๐Ÿ™‚

Step 6: Scheduling Your Interview Again

They wrote back! They said they can skype any time on Tuesday as long as I notify them first. I wrote back saying that I would call around 5 and that I had about eleven questions prepared. I think that I gave them enough information to prepare them for the interview and gave myself enough time to prepare my questions.

Step 7: The Interview

Yay!!! The interview is finally here! We began with introducing ourselves to each other and I asked if I was able to record the interview because you shouldn’t record without permission, but I was only able to record voice. After this brief introduction I stated one of my prepared interview questions and they politely answered with mostly elaborate, well thought through questions. This seems like it will help me out in the long run!

Click here to see my interview

Overall, I think that switching interviews actually guided me towards better information and more time to prepare. Thank you universe!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Rube Goldberg Post 1

I am really excited about the rube goldberg project! Iโ€™ve decided to work alone because I tend to have a very busy schedule and a very busy house, so I have many schedule conflicts with the people I work best with. Iโ€™m trying to get inspiration for ideas about my task and cool reactions that lead up to it. Here is one video that I found inspiring:

I also think that Iโ€™m going to use slow motion for one of my takes. Iโ€™m almost positive that Iโ€™m going to piece together my video using iMovie.

Inspirational Quotes

Somethings that I strongly enjoy reading when I’m feeling down are inspirational quotes. They boost my attitude and give me a positive feeling. Here I will show you a lot of the quotes I enjoy.

“Life is like a bicycle. To keep balance, you have to keep moving”- Albert Einstein

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those you mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”- Dr.Seuss

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday”- Anonymous

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”- Dr.Seuss

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up”- Thomas A. Edison

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you’ll land in the stars.”- Les Brown

” When life gives you limes rearrange them until they say smile.”- Anonymous

“Uuuuuuuuuur ahhhhrrrrr uhrrrr ahhhhrrrrrrr aaaarhg…”- Chewbacca

I hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I enjoyed showing you them ๐Ÿ™‚

My Initial Thoughts…

I am Apollonia and I am overall very excited about being given the experience of being able to publish my very own blog to the world. But, I also am kind of nervous. After all, what if some people don’t like my writing? Then what will happen? So as you can see, I am a little nervous. But, I am also SUPER excited. I get to share my personality with everyone who reads this and that is something that I really want to do.

Some things I like are music, acting, nature, art, and even mechanics. You might think that there is no thread between these things but there is, creativity. I feel that I am a very creative person and hope that you like my writing as much as I do.

A couple of things that I’ll be posting on my blog are assigned to me by teachers, but a majority of it is straight from my own head, or imagination. You might find some poetry, or reviews and more school work that I did or even things like what I did over break, or Summer.

I hope that you enjoy my blog and the things I write on it! ๐Ÿ™‚