Capstone #6 – Final Product

So, this is my sixth blog post for Capstone, and as you may have read the title, it is about my final product for Capstone. In my opinion, I think that my script and slideshow is pretty good, but I am pretty nervous for presenting my things because what if I make a mistake, and everyone laughs? Well, I shouldn’t talk about my worries, but about my final product. Anyways, my slideshow looks great because of all the pictures and the style of each of the slides, which is kind of a faded paper with thumbtacks and tape and papers from a note book, and it gives off an interesting vibe. All of the pictures I used I thought were interesting because of how realistic they look, and the mysterious vibe they give off.

I believe I already talked about my script, but I also think it’s pretty cool because of all the vocabulary I used to make it sound rather mysterious and hopefully it sounds intriguing to my audience. My script is separated in paragraphs corresponding to each slide in my slideshow. Each picture in my slides has something to do with the paragraph along with the slide. So, back to my script, I talk a lot about the same cryptids because the cryptids I talk about are very interesting, at least in my opinion.

Well, that's about it for this post is going to be my
last, and it's about Capcon and presenting, so stay 
tuned for that. If you get bored of waiting, don't 
worry because I have a bunch of more posts about 
different topics. I hope you enjoyed this post, and
yeah. Have a good day! :D

Capstone #5 – Answering My Main Inquiry Question

So, we are just about to finish Capstone, and I finished my research, and I’m working on my presentation and script, and this blog post is for answering my main inquiry question, which is,”How has the research of cryptids grown into a worldwide phenomenon?”

To answer my main inquiry question, I had to research on my sub questions because the sub questions have a lot to do with the main inquiry question, and like I said, I need to answer my sub questions. This Process is hard because of all the things you need to look for to just answer one sub question.

My answer to my question is, the research of cryptids has grown into a worldwide phenomenon because of the mystery of whether cryptids are real or not, and people are very interested in different cryptids, how scientists interpret evidence from people that report seeing cryptids, and what different cultures have different types of cryptids.

Anyways, that’s it for this post. Stay tuned for my last two posts for Capstone, and if you get bored of waiting, I have many other posts posted on my blog about different things. Thanks for reading! 😀

Mixtures and Solutions – Messy Science

So, today in science, we did messy science, where you get real materials and test stuff out with those materials. So, today we did just that. We got to mix 4 teaspoons of sugar with food dye, and we would have colored sugar in a cup. Then, we got three more cups and filled one with water, one with vinegar, and one with vegetable oil. Our task was to mix the solute with each of the solvents, and we had to make hypotheses on what would happen to each of the solvents if we mix the solute into it. 2/3 of the hypotheses that my science group and I made up were correct. For water, we correct. We guessed that the sugar would dissolve into the water, and would make the water green, and that was exactly what happened. For the vinegar, we were also correct. When we mixed the sugar and the vinegar, we got the same results of when we mixed the sugar and the water. For the oil, we were wrong. We guessed that the result would be the same as the water, but the process would take longer because oil is thicker than water, but instead what happened was the sugar just stayed at the bottom of the cup, and it didn’t dissolve at all. It didn’t even make the oil green! But this was a really fun project because we are supposed to learn that not all solutes can dissolve into a solvent. I would honestly do this project again! 😀

Capstone #4 – Interview and Site Visit – Part (2)

So, this is Part (2) of My Site Visit And Interview. In this post, I am going to talk about my virtual tour of the International Cryptozoology Museum. This tour was cool because I go to see everything the museum had to offer me from the comfort of my school.

I got to see a lot of displays with different toys and “cryptid remains” that showed off the History of Cryptids over the years and how they’ve influenced different characters on TV and other entertaining things. Something that was cool was that there were not one but two life size Bigfoot statues, one outside of the museum made of wood, and one that a taxidermy creator made with real buffalo fur, which was super cool.

There was also a clay statue of the supposed Pterodactyl that was spotted by soldiers during the Civil War. There were also Bigfoot casts of feet, which were giant compared to the tour guides head.

Basically, there were a bunch of cool exhibits, (even though the museum was pretty small.) I got a lot of info for my project and it was a cool experience.

Well, that’s about it for this post. Stay tuned for my next Capstone post and if you want to read more, don’t worry, I have a bunch of other posts about different things in my life. I’m Arun, and I hope you have a good day! Goodbye! 😀

Capstone #3 – Having an Interview/Going to Site Visit – Part (1)

Welcome back to Arun’s Arts. This is the third post for Capstone, having an interview. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been busy with research and everything. But anyways, my interview went great! I interviewed an cryptozoologist, whose name is Christian MacLeod.

I have had interview questions set up and he was very cooperative and answered all of my questions. This interview really beneficial because one of my sub questions is,”How can scientists determine whether cryptid evidence is real or not?” Like I was saying, having him answering personal questions about his job and everything was good because it gives me more info on how scientists look for cryptids.

I was thinking on going to Portland, Maine for my site visit because there is a museum there called the International Cryptozoology Museum (ICM) which has a bunch of “taxidermy cryptids” and “cryptid skulls”. Honestly, it looks like a cool place to go to if you’re bored and if your in the area, but I bet you would only spend like ten minutes in the place, but that’s just what people that have been here say.

Instead, I think i’m going to a visual tour, but I have to find a museum that I can do my tour of.

Anyways, that’s that. If you want to read any of my other posts about Capstone, your welcome to. don’t worry if you read them all, because I have a bunch more Capstone posts to come, and I have other posts on my blog. Well that’s it, I hope you have a good day. Goodbye! 😀

Capstone #2 – Choosing A Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions

Hello everyone. This post is about my second step in the whole Capstone process, which is choosing a main inquiry question and sub questions, in case you didn’t read the title.

Moving on, this step was SUPER HARD because it took a long time to think of a good, juicy inquiry question that will intrigue my audience. Also, I had to change my topic from Bigfoot to a more broad topic, Cryptids! Cryptids are basically other unidentified creatures like Bigfoot, The Loch ness Monster, Mothman, and more.

So, I had to change my Inquiry question from, Why are people do interested in searching for Bigfoot, to, How has the research of Cryptids grown into a worldwide phenomenon? Like I said, this was really hard to think of so I luckily had the help of my teacher.

Now, moving on to the sub questions, these were even more hard! It’s just the process of thinking of ideas on an certain topic that can’t even be determined “real” without scientific evidence! But, I think after a long time of hard work, I think that I finally have good questions.

Well, that’s it for this post. Like I say in a lot of my posts, make sure to stay tuned for the next post of this Capstone Process! If you get bored on waiting, don’t worry because I have a lot of other posts waiting for you to read. That’s it. Goodbye! 🙂

Capstone #1 – Choosing a Topic

Finally! We are doing Capstone! If you don’t know, Capstone is a project that the 5th grade of Heathcote School gets to do. It’s basically where we get to pick a topic that interests us, and we research and research and get to make a presentation that we can share in front of an audience. So, this is my first blog entry about choosing a topic.

To get started, we had to fill out a Questionnaire packet filled with questions like,”List at least three interests you have”, or,” Is there a historical event you would like to become an expert on”.

Anyways, after filling this thing out, you get handed a schedule with all the due dates for each part of the whole project. After that, you have to make a curriculum wheel with all the questions you have about you topic. This process was really hard because each question had to be about a subtopic like math or science.

Okay, now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my topic. So don’t laugh at me or anything like that but my topic is…Bigfoot! Yes, I know Bigfoot may not be real, but my teacher was fine with it, and plus, I’ve always been into cryptozoology.

But, I forgot to tell you that you have to think of two topics just in case the one you want to do doesn’t work out. So my 2nd topic is going to be Concussions. I’m kind of narrowing to the Bigfoot topic because I feel like a lot of people have thought once in their life whether Bigfoot is real.

Anyways, I have high expectations for not only myself, but also the Capstone project itself because I’ve been waiting my whole time here at Heathcote just for this moment and hopefully it’s fun. Also, I have high expectations for myself because when I was a kid, I remember always watching interesting documentaries with my mom, mostly about Bigfoot.

So anyways, that was it for this post. Make sure to check my blog every once in a while for another post, and you can also read my other posts on this blog. Thank you for reading! 🙂

Isaac Newton Infographic

So, we made our own infographics on Isaac Newton’s 3 laws of physics. Honestly, I thought that this activity was very fun because we made it on a Google Drawing, and we were allowed to customize it any way we wanted to. Basically, we had to write out Isaac Newton’s 3 laws of physics, then write them in your own words. After, you could work on the design. You can add a quote, add pictures and what not. Anyways, this is my infographic. Enjoy!


Philadelphia Field Trip

The Philadelphia trip was very tiring. Every 5th grader had to wake up really early because the bus left at 6am. We were allowed to bring electronics since the trip was about 3 hours give or take. When we got to Philadelphia, we went to a cool museum, which had a whole exhibit on Alexander Hamilton, which was awesome. One of my favorite parts about this museum was this place where it showed where Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton stood when they had their duel. Also, there was a big room that looked like a colonial courthouse, and in it, there were metal states of each colonies’ representative. Like for Virginia, there was a metal statue of Benjamin Franklin. After we saw all of the exhibits, we went to the basement of the museum of for lunch. After lunch, we walked to an actual colonial courthouse, which was very cool. After, we walked around with our group, and then the whole 5th grade met up, and we went on the bus, and drove back to school, and our parents picked us up. By the way, there was HEAVY traffic, so we got to school at about 8pm, when we supposed to come back at 6pm. Anyways, I thought that the trip was interesting and fun, and even I’ve been to Philadelphia before we had this this trip, I would definitely go again.






First time using Adobe Spark

So, we used Adobe Spark to make our own Instagram posts and slideshows about our Rube Goldberg projects and to advertise the Vivian Robert Youtube channel, which has all of the videos of the Rube Goldberg machines that we made. Honestly, I thought that using Adobe Spark was really fun because it’s just like Google Slideshows. One thing that I found neat was the ability to use icons of a lot of things, and even though I only used one icon in my Instagram Post and no icons on my slide show, I still think that they’re cool. All and all, I loved this project and I would be absolutely ecstatic to use this again!