Capstone #3 – Having an Interview/Going to Site Visit – Part (1)

Welcome back to Arun’s Arts. This is the third post for Capstone, having an interview. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been busy with research and everything. But anyways, my interview went great! I interviewed an cryptozoologist, whose name is Christian MacLeod.

I have had interview questions set up and he was very cooperative and answered all of my questions. This interview really beneficial because one of my sub questions is,”How can scientists determine whether cryptid evidence is real or not?” Like I was saying, having him answering personal questions about his job and everything was good because it gives me more info on how scientists look for cryptids.

I was thinking on going to Portland, Maine for my site visit because there is a museum there called the International Cryptozoology Museum (ICM) which has a bunch of “taxidermy cryptids” and “cryptid skulls”. Honestly, it looks like a cool place to go to if you’re bored and if your in the area, but I bet you would only spend like ten minutes in the place, but that’s just what people that have been here say.

Instead, I think i’m going to a visual tour, but I have to find a museum that I can do my tour of.

Anyways, that’s that. If you want to read any of my other posts about Capstone, your welcome to. don’t worry if you read them all, because I have a bunch more Capstone posts to come, and I have other posts on my blog. Well that’s it, I hope you have a good day. Goodbye! 😀