Immigration Blog Post 1

We have an immigration unit at school and we learned about push/pull factors. To understand immigration better, we have to interview an immigrant. The immigrant I’m interviewing is my grandma, Her name is Marie Grace DeWitt. We wrote down 20 questions and picked 10-15 of them to ask the immigrant.

My process of preparing for the interview started when I had to find an immigrant I knew but that was probably the easiest part because I already knew an immigrant in my family which was my grandma. Then I had to brainstorm some questions I could ask her about her life/journey being an immigrant. Some resources that helped me find all of my questions were brain pop and other kids’ videos. Most of the questions I thought of because I ask my grandma these questions in general.

My experience conducting the interview was good, it took a short time and it was conducted over the phone. It went as expected and Mary told me things that I didn’t know. I learned that it might be hard for the other person because it is bringing back memories and it might be sad. The most interesting thing I learned about Mary is that I she had a stepmother and a stepbrother because her mother died when she was little.

Overall the interview went well and I learned a lot more about my grandma that I didn’t know before! And I’m really excited to make the video because I have a lot of photos from when she lived in Italy.

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