Our school celebrates colonial day every year, and only the four grade takes part. This year I can finally do it! The activity’s we did were stenciling, candle making, tinsmithing, dame school, music, dance, toys and games, and textiles and food.
One of my favorite activity’s were toys and games, because we got to play things that the colonist children would play. One of the games was pick up sticks, which is a games where two teams pick up sticks. Each team has a turn. your turn ends when you move a stick your not picking up. When all the sticks are gone the game ends. The team with the most amount of sticks wins.
I learned that the colonists worked hard to get all of there daily materials, that today we can just buy of make easily with machines.
Something I want to learn more about colonial times is how John Smith learned to speak Algonquin. Weather we know or not, he saved the colonists.