Tropical Rainforests

A tropical rainforest is a large forest that is located in the tropics. The tropics are places near the equator that contain large lands that have 50% of the worlds plants and animals. This it what they need to have to be a tropical rainforest.

They also have lots of rain.

Tropical rainforest animals are organized into two groups – predator and prey. A predator is an animal that eats other animals. Prey is an animal that is eaten by predators. Here is a list of some predators – Jaguar, Green Tree Boa, Spotted Leopard, Anaconda, Fire Bellied Snakes, Goliath Tarantula, and the Boa Constrictor. Here is a list of some prey – Deer, Lizards, Okapi, Mice, Golden Poison Dart Frog, Scarlet Macaw, and the Armadillo.

All animals are consumers. That means that they can’t make their own food, so they eat other animals or eat producers. Plants make, or produce their own food by using carbon dioxide, sunlight, soil, and water. The things they produce are glucose and oxygen. Their food source is glucose. Because they make their own food, we call them producers. Decomposers are either bacteria or fungi. They break down the carcasses of dead plants or animals and put the nutrients back into the soil.

Here are some interesting things you might not know about tropical rainforests and the inhabitants.

Tropical rainforests only cover 6-7% of earth, but they have over 50% of the worlds plants and animals!

The tropical rainforest includes the plants we use to make coffee and chocolate!

Armored armadillos can roll into a ball!

The Toco Toucan has one of the worlds largest bird bills!


This is a food web for the tropical rainforest.

And now I officially end my post on tropical rainforests. I hope you enjoyed!

2 thoughts on “Tropical Rainforests”

  1. I didn’t now that tropical rain forests only cover 6-7% of the earth but they contain 50% of the worlds plants and animals. I thought it was really cool to see that are so many snakes in the tropical rain forest.

  2. 1 thing I learned was that there was a snake called the Fired Bellied snake. Another thing I learned was over 50% of plants and animals. These are somethings I learned there is more. 1 thing the suprised me was 6 – 7% of the world is a tropical rainforest.

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