Rube Goldberg Post #8: Success!

“Take thirteen!” I say. It feels like this will go on forever! But I have a good feeling about this take. I pull down my sign. Good, I think. It didn’t get stuck. Steven’s comes down as well. I’m getting very excited. Steven and I get ready.

“THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!” We shout. Jett shoots the ball and it goes in. The Complex begins. The blocks fall with ease, and the k’nex falls off the the table, but the string holding back the pool ball seems jammed, and the pool ball stays in place. When my mom was about to end the video, the string is pulled away just in time and releases the pool ball. We breathe a sigh of relief. The pool ball is now rolling down the ramp. It falls, but not in the bucket! Luckily, it falls on the board and the next step starts. The dominoes fall, and the last domino attached to the beaded rainbow string falls, pulling the string off the ramp releasing the golf ball. The golf ball rolls into the bucket. This is the furthest The Complex has ever run. Then the pulley goes, turns on the fan, and the coaster is rolling down the ramp towards the ballon! While this is happening, the tape falls, and the trigger… Well, you know what happens next.

“WEEE, ARE THE CHAAAMPIONS, MY FRIEEENDS,” plays at full blast as we celebrate. Finally, many hours of work pays off! We are so happy! We take videos explaining our favorite things about this amazing project. My favorite part was how we learned from our mistakes.

Here is our video:

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