Capstone #6

Capstone is awesome! The research, blog posts, script all of it. But the most fun is making the script and slide show.

The Script was not very hard because I knew what I wanted to write I just had to put it together. When I was doing it, I realized I had to explain somethings because some people might not know what an

Autopsy is. One reason why it was kind of easy to do because my last blog post had a lot of information and in the right form to talk with. If you are wondering, What is your script? Well here it is.


My Script:


Slide 1: Have any of you ever seen the movie Ocean’s Eight? The movie is about someone who gets out of jail and commits a heist. Many people perform heists like they do in Ocean’s Eight. I decided to research about how detectives would solve crimes like the one in Ocean’s Eight and many other crime movies. The question I will be answering for you all today is, What are the techniques used by detectives and how has it evolved over time?


Slide 2: So what does a detective really do? First off, no matter what the case is, detectives follow the same steps to solve a crime. When detectives first arrive at the crime scene, they do a walk through to get a rough idea of what happened. In the crime scene, detectives begin to look for evidence, such as markings,     hair, bloodstains, fibers, and footprints at the crime scene. After the evidence is collected, detectives begin to interview witnesses or suspects. Detectives preserve every piece of evidence they find so the evidence won’t get touched by any other substances. Evidence can’t be touched by any outside substances   because detectives want to find DNA or fingerprints on the evidence. This practice of preserving the material and studying it very closely is called forensics. Practices like forensics are involved with advanced technology.


Slide3: Technology, such as the iphone, has been improved over the years! Something you can have on your phones is social media. Social media is so frequently used, it can help make a detectives work that much easier. On Facebook “The old instagram” one can easily find personal information, such as a license plate. Everything recorded or sent like texting, voice chat, or posts must be saved by the government for at least one a year for security reasons.


Slide4: Fingerprinting is very useful to detectives because it can find a lot of information like someone’s identification.  detectives sprinkle powder over a spot and if they find a fingerprint, detectives pick the print up with a special type of tape. Detectives preserve the fingerprint and match it with someone’s identification. Technology not only makes our lives easier, it makes a detectives work easier too.


Slide5: so , is it easier or harder to convict a criminal now or in the past? Well, back then there were some of the same procedures as there are now, like the Autopsy. An autopsy is when someone is killed and they look inside the body to find skin and fibers. The very first recorded autopsy  was performed on julius caesar in 44 BC! THis is kind of gross but he was stabbed 23 times but only 1 killed him!


Slide6: Back to what was going to say, Edmond Locard from france created the very first forensics lab in 1910. Have you ever seen those massive microscopes? The real name for that is the compound microscope. The compound microscope was invented by Zacharias Jansenn in 1590, it used to be something small and  portable. The microscope allows detectives to see evidence too small for the human eye. Let’s think once again about fingerprinting, fingerprinting used to be ink and you would roll your fingers on a piece of paper but now it is scanned and put right onto a computer. Although Caesar’s time had autopsies like today, the microscope made solving crimes much easier today than Caesar’s time by seeing stuff too small to see like DNA and Fingerprint.


Slide7: After all of this, you might be thinking… ‘okay, we know what detectives do, we know what they use, and we know how far some of the equipment has come, but what is the process when it comes to  convict someone?’ The answer to that is going to court. Court is pretty much the government’s opportunity to put someone into jail. But for them to do that it has to be ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’. This means the juries can’t have the slightest bit of doubt for them to put someone in jail. Detectives give the juries evidence to help the juries make up their minds.


Slide 8: All in all, a detective’s role is to gather evidence and give it to the government. If you are still interested and want to learn more please visit my blog.


Capston is a great project and I am so, so happy I got the chance to do it.