Tag Archives: Tynker

Reflective Blog #3

At the start of the unit, I had already come in with an extensive knowledge on Scratch and Tynker. Though I knew a lot about drag and drop coding, I had more ambition to learn more, and had learned EVEN MORE about Scratch coding. I have learned to make more algorithms and use custom blocks and variables. I had also taught my fellow classmates. I had made friends in this class, mainly Viir who had shared my interest in coding games, and he had been the first people to see my games and projects. I still believe that my journey in computer coding is farm from finished in Scratch alone. I have always taken an interest in game design and I have made simple games. I want to extend my knowledge, as I want to learn camera code and more complicated physics for games. I have been watching tutorials and found a tutorial channel “Griffpatch” who is extremely good at coding, I want to eventually learn Unity and C#, and I believe that his class was the start of this journey.

Reflective Blog 3

So far, I have enjoyed the lessons, because I have learned about the way the coding language works. I found the racer slither.io lesson difficult, because I didn’t know how delays worked and how to make movement code. I have gotten past this point, so I know the language well now, except I want to learn how to use the physics system better, because static and active are confusing, but I have learned the engine.

Computer Tech Reflection #2

I describe technology as something that helps make a task easier. An example this is a bed. It make you more comfortable when you a sleeping, so that you don’t hurt your back or wake up with back pain. Technology has changed the lives of daily humans because it makes things that would have been near impossible a thousand years ago accessible to the every day person. As technology evolves, some job that were needed have now become obsolete, so we are wondering what profession will become obsolete next. We can find out what skills to learn by finding the faults in technology or just do things that robots or google can’t do, like diagnosing a disease, or helping someone cope with things like sadness. Humans are needed now and I believe that they will be needed for a really long time.

Computer Technology Reflection One

So far, I have learned a lot. I have learned basic JavaScript rules, and have grown my understanding in Scratch. I have learned more and learned how to do a variety of things. I have learned how to make better animations and learned the costume editor better.

Everything has been fun. The Amazing World of Gumball was very fun it taught me how to use the costume editor, like how to edit character presets and how to make animations out of the costume.

I would like to learn more about how to do basic JavaScript, like how to make animations and basic games, and I also want to learn how to make better Scratch models