Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

I have finally completed my Rube Goldberg project! After a long wait of time until I was finally able to set everything up. My first sketch did not go according to plan. Then when I tried something else which was a little change up from my original plan that didn’t work either. I was running out of ideas. Finally at 11 a clock at night my parents came home and they were tying to help me also. Nothing was working at all. Then my dad came up with a little idea and then together we thought of a whole new project to do. It only took 10 minutes to think of and set up. Then it was time to test and video. It only took me 5 tries to complete and if you want to see my video the link is below

2 thoughts on “Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

  1. Nice job on improvising your machine and changing it because it wouldn’t work. It is good that you were able to improvise and make it work.

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