Post #3

Today our group made no improvements on on our train. However our train was levitating. It went across the track with 32 marbles. The train was able to go across the track without one little tiny tap.

Our train had one strip magnet on each side so we only needed two strip magnets for the train. The reason we did not put a strip magnet on each of the four sides was because we didn’t want the train to way too much so the train to not levitate high. For the track we put three strip magnets on each side. The reason we put three strip magnets on each side was because our train was not levitating very high. So we put three strip magnets so the track will have more power to make the train levitate higher. We only put six strip magnets on the track. So as you can see we only needed eight strip magnets. I think our model was successful because the train was levitating high and it went across the track safely with the passengers.

I learned that every step in the EDP process is very important. Also I learned how maglev trains work and how to make one.I also learned that being in a group and working as a team is very important to accomplish your goal.

Post #2

Today nothing worked. We used Disk magnets,ring magnets, and strip magnets. My group and I were having a hard time because we didn’t know which side was which.

Today everything failed.I learned that if you know which side is which you can figure out the side on every other magnet that is not labeled. My group and I decided to not use strip magnets. Just ring and disk.

Our goal is to make the train levitate above the track. Also to make the train go across the whole track with marbles on top without the train tilting. First we have to make sure the train can go across the track before we put the marbles on.