The Amazing Octopus

Today we are going to learn about the amazing octopus! Do you know that they shape shift, camouflage, and outwit their enemies. Let’s step into the world of the amazing octopus. Swimming deep in the ocean on the island of Lembeh you see a coconut you try to flip it over but swim away in terror as you see and octopus. Perhaps you have just found the coconut octopus. The name comes from its habit of hiding in coconut shells. Did you know octopuses have three hearts, blue blood, and ink. There’s another octopus that you should meet. It is dead, but there is a nine million year old fossil that still remains. The octopuses are invertebrates. They have no bones. This makes it easier to slip through cracks. I hope you enjoyed learning about the octopus. If you know any other interesting facts please comment down below. Bye 😀

5 thoughts on “The Amazing Octopus

  1. Dear Carly,
    I liked how you wrote let’s step into the world of the amazing octopus. I never knew that there were such things like a coconut octopus. I thought octopuses hide by camouflaging. I thought they had red blood, but in the paragraph you wrote that it had BLUE BLOOD! I didn’t know that octopuses don’t have bones. When the coconut octopus slips through cracks do they hurt themselves? How do they put themselves in the coconut?
    From: Sarah

    1. Sarah

      I don’t know if they hurt themselves going through cracks but my guess would be I don’t think so. I don’t know exactly how but what I think is that they probably curl up and maneuver around until they fit.

  2. Hi Carly!
    I love how you chose to talk about octopuses. It’s awesome that an octopus can hide in shell that looks like a coconut! If I imagine going into a sea and seeing a coconut shell, I would be sure that it’s a coconut octopus! Tell me, how and why did you chose this topic?!? Your beginning really pulled me into your blog!

    -Your fan,

    1. Ada

      The entire class read a national geographic about the amazing octopus and then wrote a post about it. I still find octopus very interesting and you can let me know if you want me to do another post about them.

  3. Dear Carly,
    I really love your post because you explained a lot about things that I didn’t know. For example, the Coconut Octopus, which in my opinion was really cool. I also liked how you added detail in your octopus blog. I chose your blog because I know that you are very smart, and that you always have a lot to say. I thought that your blog was really very interesting, and I wanted to learn more about what you could do. I also think that your choice for your blogging background is really awesome because I personally love bears and I like that you chose it.

    From Blakely

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