Suddenly… Another Expert Lecture Series #2

A normal Monday, November 28, 2016, after thanksgiving I walk in a room. I look at the board and I see 2 words, “Expert Lecture.” It has arrived. Soon it was time, a mom walked in the door. The mom was… Olivia’s mom! She came to do a presentation on “Giving Thanks.” I thought it was the perfect time to talk about ‘Giving Thanks,’ since it had just been thanksgiving. Her mom talked about donation to the poor, how we can help them. She also talked about a non-profit organization.

She showed us many ways of donation, like in-direct and direct donation. In-direct donation is where you start a fund, or a toy drive, cookie drive, or anything where people bring you toys or money for a donation. A direct donation is where you see someone poor on the street, like a beggar, and you give them some money or food straight to their faces. Girl scouts is another way of an in-direct donation, like if they sell you cookies, they use the money they receive to give to the poor, or at least part of it. Overall Olivia’s mom taught us many people who started a non-profit organization and also showed us a girls’ scout brochure. She taught us a lot about ‘Giving Thanks.’

Like last time, after their presentation we did an activity. Today, we made a plan of a non-profit organization. I had two partners, Elliott and Una, in this activity we made a budget, a mission, and where and what type of donations we will do. Our mission was to help the American Armed Forces, our budget was, $10,000 and we had many different locations and types of donations like a toy drive, to a carnival. In total this was an amazing Expert Lecture Series #2. I wonder who will be next?

My Danish Thanksgiving

My Mom’s family came over this thanksgiving! My grandparents came over from Denmark, while my mom’s brother came from San Francisco with his family. But my grandparents don’t understand English so we had to speak Danish the entire thanksgiving weekend they were here. My family came over on Sunday and Monday morning. My family that came over went sightseeing in New York City and they even saw stuff that I’ve never seen before and I lived in New York for my whole life. When they came home from the city I have to play with them to make them have a good stay, meaning I didn’t exactly have enough time to do my homework before thanksgiving break.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was awesome, here is how it went. Soon after a long day of fun with my cousins it was time for an enjoyable dinner. I sat down as I looked at all the delicious food to eat, Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Spinach, Salad, Green Beans and Cornbread. Before we all started to eat my little sister, Isabella said a toast about how thankful she is that we are all here together. Then we all said, “Cheers,” in danish as we raised our cups and then we started to feast on this delicious meal. After dinner it was time for a great dessert. We had 3 different amazing desserts, Pumpkin Pie, Bread Pudding and Apple Pie. Which was our favorite dessert? Our favorite dessert was… the Bread Pudding! If I had to compare the desserts here was our rankings… 1. Bread Pudding 2. Apple Pie 3. Pumpkin Pie. On my opinion the apple pie was my favorite. It might not sound so good but it was amazing! It tasted like moist bread with a cinnamon taste to it, like a moist cinnamon roll.

The day after thanksgiving, Black Friday, was a sad day. I had to say goodbye to my family, it was a very sad day. My grandparents’ flight to Denmark was delayed TWO DAYS! TWO DAYS, thats right! They had to reschedule. After they all left I was sad for the rest of the day. On Saturday my family went to the zoo, to cheer us up after their departure. On Sunday the day before we returned back to school after our thanksgiving, me and my dad went to New York City. I finally saw things that my cousins have saw but I’ve never seen before, sadly. Overall, my thanksgiving was awesome, with my family coming over to visit. How Was Your Thanksgiving?

The Willows: Part 8

Previously On, “The Willows,” “BOOM! I was shot, I fell as my eyes closed, I’m going to turn into a tree, it was all over for me.”

I traveled through this magical world of voices saying, ‘we got you, we got you.’ The magical portal or world I was in was a light blue and a little transparent, I could see myself flying in this tube from New Guinea to Brazil. I was nearing Brazil, 3, 2, 1. I hit Brazil, then I landed in this glass tube, l looked over to my right, seeing trees next to me also In this type of tube. I looked around and It looked like I was in a lab, their floor looked so pretty like they didn’t want it dirty at all. This is where I think I’m going to turn into a tree. Then my legs couldn’t move, I looked down to see brown bark. I was already in the process, but there was a door open in front of me, to escape the tube, I turned and all the other tubes were locked. I started to get my first branch, there was no escape. “HELP! HELP,” I screamed, “HELP!” “What is it!?” someone yelled back. I responded, “I’m stuck can you help me out, PLEASE!?” “OKAY!” He said as I heard running on stairs. I saw him, then he said, “Hey, you’re one of those nasty royal british we want dead!”

I thought quickly, then an Idea popped, I said, “I really need to barf! The trip made me very sick. You don’t me to throw up on your beautiful floor, would you?” He hesitated and then said, “Um… Um… Okay, I’ll give you a bucket to throw up in.” “Wait,” I said, “When I barf It kind of goes out of control so can I go to your sink?” He responded, “You can’t, you’re almost a tree and my boss will kill me if that floor gets dirty.” I said, “ Is there any way you can cut me out to barf?” “Yes,” he said, “I could cut you out with my knife, it might or might not work.” “Try.” I said as my belly was almost covered in bark. He turned away from me and ran and came back with a steak knife. He came to me and stabbed me where my legs are, he tried cutting it and he got a crack out of it, he grunted and pulled as hard as he could, but not much luck, then he ran away again and came back with a chainsaw. He started it up and cut much more, the bark was up to my neck. I thought, is he going to do it, or am I just going to be a tree? He is doing it! He cut between my legs, then into my chest which I got scared he was going to cut me, then he came to my head, and he did it, the bark went over my eyes but he saved me, I ran out of the platform as soon as I could. I wanted to get his trust so I acted like I could be trusted. I asked, “Where can I throw up at? Wait, I can throw up in the bucket but my head will be in it, can I do that?” He said, “Ok.” He dropped his chainsaw and got a knife, and was pointing it at me, he then said, “Make one approach at me and I’ll destroy you!” “Ok, Ok.” I said. As I put my head in the bucket I thought really quickly, how can I escape?

I thought. Then he dropped his chainsaw, but I don’t want to kill him, I just need to get one of those fake guns. I put my head up and said while I’m at it, can I also go to the bathroom?” “Okay.” He said worried. He followed me with a knife to around the hall, as I spotted a willows’ gun. He must of saw it too because he chased me. I ran for it, I ran to the gun, and I grabbed it and kept on running, I tried to return to the lab because I don’t want anymore of the willows’ men on my trail. I looked at my gun’s ammo and it only had two bullets. I did a shot between my legs and a missed by a mile, I ran downstairs to the lab and I did a life or death situation, I turned really quick and shot randomly. I just became the luckiest man in the world, I hit him. I blinked twice just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Then I saw nothing but a knife on the floor and the same guy who tried to kill me just now where I was when I was turning into a tree. Just then an alarm sounded. The whole place began on lockdown because they heard, ‘Shots fired.’ Many of their soldiers ran around the base with fake guns trying to find out who did it. Then the man who tried to kill me then said, “Hey! The man who did the shots fired is down here! He turned me into a tree.That was his final words as the bark covered his face, now he was a full grown tree. The soldiers must’ve heard what he said because I heard them run downstairs, to the lab where I was. They were armed and ready to fire.

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed! Please comment If you’d like more! 🙂

The Willows: Part 7

Previously On “The Willows,” “I realize two horrible things. One, I’m in Papua New Guinea. And two these people are cannibals.”

I said, “I surrender! I surrender!” They started talking in this gibberish language, so I thought 100% they didn’t understand me. Four of them came to me and grabbed me, they dragged me away to their base. I was kicking and punching to try to free myself of these cannibals. They started hooting. I saw in horror people tied with rope to a rock wall and I watched how they kill people and I saw them eat someone. This was so gross and scary because this was going to happen to me. They also tied me to a rock wall. I don’t want to describe the way they kill the people, It’s REALLY, REALLY gross. They were hooting walking around in circles around this rock table where they murder the people next to a huge bonfire. There was one person before me, then, it was time to die. I was untied and I tried to run away and I SUCCEEDED! I escaped 20 feet before they grabbed me held me down on the rock table. I felt the remaining screaming souls of the last few people. I got tied by rope again on this table. They started yelling a lot in this weird language. I thought of happy thoughts before my death. Happy thoughts, happy thought, I said to myself. Above my eyes there was this cannibal wearing a weird mask he was holding a very sharp stick covered in blood. He raised it up as I closed my eyes preparing for death and BOOM!

I felt no pain for some reason. I didn’t feel dead. I opened my eyes to see. I saw the bright light in the jungle. The cannibal with mask was gone. I looked over and their was his stick and his mask. All the other cannibals freaked out. They ran away screaming as more booms happened. BOOM! BOOM! One by one each cannibal disappeared into the light. NO! NO! I thought. THIS CAN’T HAPPEN! I think I know who it is… the willows have found ME. I saw a man with the weird gun I saw earlier with the other Willows’ man trying to kill me. I turned a ran away like it was the end of the world, I ran faster than I ever did in my life. My heart raced. As I ran through the jungle I heard booms, and booms, getting louder and louder. I heard a GROWL! I looked over my shoulder as I saw an animal, a fierce one, it’s growly teeth were closer to red than white, it’s face was angrier than I thought was possible. It came close to me, circling me preparing for an attack. I couldn’t do anything. I thought I was gonna die any second, so I decided to do a choose that I think will make my life two seconds longer so I decided to run. I ran, GROWLS were screaming so loud I figured I was deaf. PAIN, PAIN! It had eaten part of one of my legs. I felt like it was the shark attack all over again, I fell to the ground, about to be gobbled up but then BOOM! I never thought I would say this but the Willows’ saved my life from this fierce animal. I slowly crawled under the leaves of the nearest plant. “Where are you,” The man said, “come out come out, wherever you are. I know where you are. Do you want this to be the easy way or the hard way? 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I guess the hard way.” He came straight at me. I got up and hopped away on my one foot left, I passed through the jungle seeing something awesome, I saw the ocean and a wooden boat for me to get away in. I headed straight for it hoping I would make it, I kept hopping, I’m so close to it I thought. BOOM! I was shot, I fell as my eyes closed, I’m going to turn into a tree, it was all over for me.

Today I had a Guest Editor, Jonah.

Thank You! Hope You Enjoyed! Please comment If You’d Like More! 🙂

Expert Lecture Series #1

Today our special guest was…. Rania’s dad! He came here to talk about the history of money. He talked about how it started, such as before money there was a lot of trade. The early currency used was sugar, salt and spices. I for one was really fascinated by his presentation. Here is one example he used when explaining trade, (not exactly the right words) Imagine you had plenty of wheat to eat but you didn’t have enough animal skins. Another person is a hunter and has a lot of animal skins but he doesn’t have any wheat to eat. The farmer and the hunter trade for wheat for animal skins. That was an example of an equal trade. Here is an example he used for a not equal trade, (not the same words he used) A family of three doesn’t have a lot of wheat to eat. Another man wants to trade something for this wheat. The other guy tries to trade something not really worth anything for the wheat. The family doesn’t except the offer because they don’t have a lot wheat and also the man didn’t trade something with enough worth. Here is an example of how things are worth. Beads are found underground and when found people do some work on it. Since it takes a lot of work and effort to make the object it is really valuable. All of these examples I heard from Rania’s dad but are not exactly the same words. Anyway he did a great job and I thank him for great his work! 🙂

¿Qué ves en El Ladrón? – What We Did In Spanish

Persona ¿Qué ves en El Ladrón?
Christopher La Bolsa
Jack M. El Sombrero
Rania Las Casas
Taj Las Casas
Jack F. El Palo
Jasper Las Casas
Olivia Las Casas
Una El Sombrero
Elliott Las Casas
Nate Las Casas
Riley El Sombrero
Jonah La Ventana
Senor Johnson El Palo
Lana Las Casas
Leo El Bigote

The Willows: Part 6

Previously On “The Willows,” “Then I realized I’d be making another trip to heaven dead, but this time I’ll stay dead forever.”

The ship started rocking back and forth. I heard the waves rustling hard against the ship. I heard a man scream, “Tsunami!” The ship picked up as I thought would be my last breath and then my coffin slammed against the wall making a tiny hole where my face was. I put my mouth to the wood making a thousand splinters on my lips. I started breathing again but it was very hard. I said, “Help! Help!” The ship was rocking back and forth like crazy. The lights were flickering, and I could see the waves down here in the cargo hold. Someone came downstairs and said, “Who needs help!? Where are you!?” “I’m here,” I said, “in the coffin. Help me!” “I’ll save you!” he responded. He picked up my coffin not very high because I was heavy and tried to throw me against the wall, but he failed. Then a man shouted, “Another huge wave! Hold on tight!” The man who was  saving me said, “Oh no.” As he said that a wave crashed in through the cargo hold slamming the man against the wall REALLY HARD. My coffin also slammed against the wall and broke open. From that crash I only had minor injuries. The guy over there had major injuries. I stepped out of the coffin and ran over to the man. “Are you okay!?” I asked extremely desperate. He didn’t respond. All he did was move his head over a bit and then he stopped moving. “Another wave!” Someone shouted. I ran to the staircase and grabbed the pole. The wave crashed in. After that happened I rushed up the stairs. BOOM! BOOM! The ship had divided into two. I was on the top deck watching in horror as half of the ship sinks into the ocean. “Where are we?” I asked one of the sailors. He responded, “really? We left from the western land of the 13 colonies about a year ago on our Journey to Asia. This storm is throwing us of course!” “Thank you sir!” I said. Then he said, “Hey I don’t know you. Where are you from? You’re from the cargo hold aren’t you? I hate stowaways! When I get my hands on you!” Just then another sailor said, “Sir! Another wave is coming!” The wave was here, 3, 2, 1. BOOM! The waves pulled the ship into the ocean. The ship has sunk.

I was swimming through the water. I tried to get out but I was running out of air. I saw other sailors already dead on impact and others drowning. I reached the top. The wave had passed. There were only parts left of the ship floating. The water was freezing, almost as cold as the Titanic. In and out. I started to breathe really fast. My body needed a lot air. I swam over to a broken floating piece of the ship. I climbed aboard the floating piece grasping for air. I looked around. All I could see was pieces of the ship. I saw no other survivors. Suddenly I passed out. I had another dream about “The Willows.” Here is what I heard. 2 Million spies around the country working for us are near you. We almost know where you are. Warning. Save your family quick. Before it’s too late. You don’t have a lot of time. The Willows will get you. You are the only one left in the royal British family. Hurry before it’s too late. That what It said. I was thinking how could I save my family if there In Brazil and I’m in Asia and I only have a short limited amount of time, especially since it takes a year in the time zone I’m in to get to western America. It’s impossible I thought. Why did god even give me this choose, if it’s impossible. It makes no sense!

Then my mouth feels like it’s full of sand. What is wrong me!? I felt the ground. My eyes open and I get off the ground. I get scratched badly below my eye as I got up. It starts bleeding. I look up to see people almost naked with spears pointing to my face with black and white paint all over their bodies. I realize two horrible things. One, I’m in Papua New Guinea. And two these people are cannibals.

Thank You! Hope you Enjoyed! Please comment if you’d like more! 🙂

Rocketry Update: Info

Today’s the day! Our second launch! But… I’m not really looking forward to it. Our second nose cone, again printed wrong. I’m mad. I thinking something is wrong with are 3D printer account. But then I heard something. Something that kind of makes me happier. We were getting the wrong measurements. Since this is the second time things have gone wrong and all the other groups were pretty successful. We were tired of this not working and not really looking forward to the second launch. But then, our teacher said we will have a special third launch tomorrow, and we will print a new nose cone again and our teacher is helping. We will be the only group that’ll have a third launch and I’m crossing my fingers that the nose cone prints out right. Here is an image of our 2 bad nose cones. The Black one is the second nose cone the white one was our first nose cone.  Below



The second launch has happened. Our rocket has gone higher then expected! It might have even gone the highest! I was so happy! Our buddies watched us and also some parents. This launch the rockets went so much higher. The day was perfect! I was a clinometer reader… again, and last time I didn’t like it because the sun was in my eyes but this time it was partly cloudy, and when I was a clinometer reader the sun was behind the clouds. I tried a new job, “data recorder.” I was the data recorder for the two clinometer readers. Anyway, with not a very aerodynamic nose cone it went pretty high. Instead of being a pumper I was the person who put the rocket on the launch pad. But still tomorrow we will have a third launch because things didn’t go as planned. I’ve just checked the two graphs I made from the two launches. Our 1st average height results were 20.1 meters high. Our second launch results were 27.5 meter high. In comparison we did much better in the second launch than the first. The difference between the height of the two launches was 7.4 meters. I think that was a big improvement between the two launches. After we all graphed our launch I figured out our group went the third highest. Last time we were the second lowest group out of 5 groups. All the other groups had a 3D printed nose cone except us because of technical difficulties. So imagine how much higher we can fly tomorrow with a 3D printed nose cone! Overall the problem we faced for the first launch was the wings were too weak, the nose cone was not aerodynamic at all and our wings were not equally spread out. The solutions we did were to have thicker material for the wings and have the same material next to it with tape over both of them so it can be double thickness. Our next solution for the bad nose cone was Megan, the person who printed the nose cone tried to find out the problem. But we couldn’t really find a problem, which later my teacher found out the problem a few hours ’till the launch which we had no time to print again. So then our teacher decided we should have a special third launch with a good 3D printed nose cone, that our teacher will print. Luckily when we were making our inspiration board we made a little model of what our nose cone would soon be(now), and it turned out really well so we decided to use that as our backup nose cone. It had no tape sticking out. It was pretty aerodynamic, but if we had a printed nose cone it might be even more aerodynamic. Our last solution is to make our wings evenly spread out. We did the same way we got our measurements last time and it looked the same but we all knew it wasn’t even, so we tried to move the wings, dozens of times to get what we think is equal and I think it worked.


2/3 of our problems were solved in the 2nd launch. Tomorrow we will have our third launch with hopefully, our third problem fixed. We all worked really hard to get this done, and we’re looking forward to might be our final launch. Our goal is to beat my school record. I think we can do it.

The Willows: Part 5

Previously on “The Willows,” “They took me downstairs into this prison cell and pointed their muskets at me in the cell, like they were ready to shoot me.”

It was worthless. I couldn’t do anything. It was late, I figured I should rest up for the morning. I wake up with a loud call, “Land! Land! We’ve reached the colonies!” I wake up startled. As we dock into the harbor a soldier comes down and opens the prison door. He grabs we by the arm and drags me off the ship. As I pass by the harbor, many people, who I figured were colonists gave me a wicked grin. Not thinking what I said, I said, “Hey colonist. Help this young British man from this soldier! Please.” She walked away fast with a look on her face that said, I’m going to kill you one day. The British soldier puts me next to a couple of barrels and says, “Stay here, young man! I have something for you!” I waited a few minutes then that woman I saw earlier came with a few more colonists and the woman then said, “Get him.” The other guys ran towards me, I tried to run away but I knew I was outnumbered and slow. They got me and then she said again, “Let’s tar him.” I had no idea what she was talking about but I knew It wasn’t going to be good. They tied me to a cart with rope next to a cage and got a barrel full of black liquid, next to that was feathers. What were they going to do to me? The other guys got the bucket of black liquid and and rocked it toward me and said, “3, 2, 1!” It felt like my body was touching a extremely hot Iron. Then they got the feathers and put them all over me. My body was getting weaker, my eyes were heavy, I was feeling so much pain everywhere. I was dying. They picked me up and threw me into the cage and locked it. They got their horses and started driving the carriage. My eyes grew weaker and weaker until they blacked out. I think I’m dead.

I saw light in the sky. It must be heaven. I saw a nice place of clouds above and white all around me. The clouds were getting closer to me. I was flying to heaven. I asked, “Am I dead?” A nice clear voice spoke, “Maybe.” “God?” I responded. -“Yes.” “What do you mean I might be dead. I am dead, I’m flying to heaven right now.” I said. “Maybe,” God said, “Do you want to be dead?” -”No! Of course not! But I’ve already died.” -”If you, George, if you want to die you can die. If you want to live you can live. I believe you can save your family from the Willows. If you don’t want to do that you can die and start paradise, forever in heaven now.” -”Isn’t that your choose, god?” “Not this time,” god said, “you chose, do you want to live or die. You will not feel anymore pain when dead. Chose now, live or die. This will be the only time I’ll give you this opportunity. If you die another time you will be dead forever. ” I said, “If I become evil later in life will i go to hell?” I know that was a weird question, but I was interested. God said, “Yes, If you turn evil you will go straight to hell. Now answer live or die. You have 1 minute starting now!” I said, “Um..” I was hard to think, paradise forever with no more pain. Or, live and have pain and risk turning evil and going to be tortured forever, or become a hero. It was a hard decision. Then it hit me. I should save the world, the Willows can end the world for everyone. They will try to rule the world. I need to risk to become a hero. Nobody else can save the world but me. Then I said proudly, “I want to live. I want to try to become that hero that the world needs.” God responded, “Okay. Good luck.” Basically I got a second life.

Then the light faded into darkness, and the sound of a ship horn was heard and then my eyes opened and I saw nothing. I couldn’t breathe. There was something over my body. I tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. I thought the people back their thought I was dead after they tortured me and put me in a coffin aboard a ship. I was running out of air. Then I realized I’d be making another trip to heaven dead, but this time I’ll stay dead forever.

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed! Please comment if you’d like more! 🙂

The Willows: Part 4

Previously On “The Willows,” “Water was filling in super fast, and I could not move because of my legs.”

“Help!” I screamed, as I heard running through the halls of the ship, along with water. “Help! I’m only 10!” I heard a voice, “There’s a kid in there. We need to get him off the ship, remember Woman and children first.” Someone else said, “I wouldn’t risk it. Every man for himself.” “Help!” I said again. The door slammed opened. I saw a very muscular man enter. “I’ll save you.” He said. It was the guy who we just heard earlier. He picked me up. The water was already up to our knees. He ran outside the hall and raced up the stairs, he went pretty fast with water up to his hips. As we got to higher ground a crew member came and said, “Hey, you’re not allowed to get any higher. Only children and Woman can.” The muscular guy responded, “I have a child from the Nurse with no legs! Let me bring him upstairs.” the crew member said, “Sorry, the nurse came up here and said he was an alien. I must obey her. Neither you or him can go up higher.” -”To bad! I’m bringing this kid upstairs! Bye!” The muscular guy shoved against the crew member to get to higher ground. The crew member quickly raced upstairs and locked the doors, they looked like cages. “To bad alien and guy! Bye!” “Help,” the strong guy screamed, “Help! Someone please help! I have a baby!” No one responded. We were at the top of the steps and water was at our ankles now. The Strong guy saw the manager and said to him, “Hey, sir. I have a baby! Please let him through…” The water was a our hips. “Give us the keys to get to higher ground!” -”Okay sir. Here you go.” He gave him the keys. The water was at my neck, in 10 minutes I would die of Hypothermia.” The manager ran upstairs. The guy went under water and unlocked the door, he let me out. As I got out the manager came back down and said, “You’re not going out mister (He said this to the muscular guy).” The manager stole the keys back and locked him in. “Please sir,” the muscular guy said, “Please let me out. If not take the poor boy with you.” -”Okay, I will.” The water reached the man’s head. “Come here boy.” said the manager as he picked me up. He ran upstairs as I looked at the sad man’s face behind the bars. I see many people screaming outside to get on each boat, the manager took me straight to a boat and then I was off. I saw the Titanic almost gone in the distance, thinking the man who saved my life was dead. Then I went to sleep.

I had a dream that explained everything. I heard ‘the willows’ again in their whistling voice. They said, “This is what we are. We are a group… of people. We want to rule.” I didn’t want to interrupt it so I could learn more about what’s happening. It continued, “We know that the human’s age will end, so we start… early ruling the world. We are all called ‘The Willows.’ We want to start by taking over England, then the world. All we need to do is destroy the royal British, by turning them into unspeakable trees in Brazil. The second to last royal British was just taken in by one of our spies in France. We are going earlier and earlier back into time so we can rule the world longer. We go back in time every day, when we do the only people who come with us are the royal British. We are immortal, a group of immortal people only killed by…” It stopped. “What,” I said, “What?” The whistling voice said, “Someone is hearing us. We must be quiet. Find out this person’s location. Let’s go get him!” “No!” I  said. I woke up.

I found myself in a boat by myself, sailing. Had I gone back into the past? I was thinking, how could I kill The Willows? How Could I find out before the spies find me and attack? I saw an old wooden ship in the distance. As it got closer I saw men in British uniforms yelling. Why are these British men coming towards America? I started waving to grab their attention. They sure saw me. They came straight towards me. I yelled at them to come save me. Then they started talking about that I was British because of my accent. They grabbed their old fashion guns and pointed them at me as they let me aboard. It hit me, they were British soldiers coming to America in the late 1700’s. The guns they were holding were called muskets. They took me downstairs into this prison cell and pointed their muskets at me in the cell, like they were ready to shoot me.

That’s all we have for today. Hoped you Enjoyed and Please Comment If You’d Like More. 🙂