Capstone #3: The Interview

On Friday, May 12th I told Ms. Boyer I did not have my interview scheduled yet. On the way home from school my mom told me I had my INTERVIEW and SITE VISIT SCHEDULED ON SUNDAY!!! I was SO happy! I had my interview and site visit in 2 days!

The days past by quickly as I am really excited for this event. It was time for the interview and site visit. I remember it was Mother’s Day, I gave my mom my present then we got in the car, to drive to the airport, where I will have my site visit and interview. While we drove for a while, we finally arrived at Westchester County Airport. However, we got lost. We came 20 minutes early BUT then we got lost so we had to find out where we were. After a while we finally figured out our way and drove there. We arrived 5 minutes late because we got lost earlier. As we exited our car we walked into a building that said, “Million Air”, as we checked in they told us the person we are interviewing is waiting upstairs. I got SO nervous! As we walked upstairs I trembled on every step. We turned left and opened the door and said, “Hello.” Then I saw someone come walk to us and I Knew this is who we were interviewing. I said, “Hi, I’m Christopher…” I was really nervous so I couldn’t exactly speak. He said “Hello, my name is Rudi.” Then we talked a bit more… about boring things like saying hello and talking about each other. But then we walked into the meeting room, and we got settled.

I told my mom gave my some whispers about getting set up and everything. After a minute later everything was set up, so I decided to talk a little bit about my school project, aka Capstone. Then after I told him a bit about it, it was time to start asking the questions. I asked, “Is it okay if I record?” And he responded, “Yes.” Then I got my phone to hit the record button and we started, but then I noticed something. He was holding several sheets of paper, then he put it on the table. I said, “Okay let’s begin with question one. Question 1: What is your full name?” He said, Rubi Hiebert, so wrote it down, then I noticed something… he had written questions 1 – 6 already! So I said, “I see you wrote questions 1-6 down so let’s start from question 7. I asked him questions and he gave really good answers. As we got to question 10 I realized something else. He wrote ALL the questions down and put ALL the answers to them and they were GREAT! I put a smile on my face and asked the rest of my questions.

After I finished question number 20 we stopped recording and I told him something… I told him that I could not have found a better person to interview. He smiled back. Then he told me that he found that my questions were great! He LOVED them and told me that I wrote questions like a adult and he was impressed. I told him I was thinking about making a TEDtalk for my final presentation and he told me that he know college students learning how to do a TEDtalk! I couldn’t believe that.

After we talked a bit more we wrapped up our stuff and prepared for the site visit. Overall, his answers were GREAT answers, and long ones. I was really happy to find a great, nice person to interview.

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