Month: March 2017

Maglev Reflection – day 1

This week my class has been working about maglev trains. It is very fun but it is very hard. We worked in groups. If you work in a group it is really hard because you could have lots of arguments and if someone has an idea if you do not like it you have to deal with it and that is a hard thing to do.

My group tried lots of strategies like bar magnets and ring magnets and strip magnets and only bar magnets and ring magnets. Bar magnets were better, but none of them worked, but the good thing was my group never gave up. Maybe my group will get it next time!

We had lots of fails but that actually is a good thing so you could always fix your mistakes. We put lots of magnets we put ring magnets, strip magnets, bar magnets and disc magnets. We had lots of arguments but we finally got one idea which was bar magnets and ring magnets.

My group was challenged so many times but we kept on working and working and working. Before we got our final idea we planned a lot, we worked hard on projects we tested out lot’s of things and more. We learned the engineering design process and it helped a lot because we were designing creating asking and everything else on the engineering design process.

The ideas mostly did not work because it was attracting, so my group could not flick the phoam train. You need the magnets to repel so you could flick the train so it could go all of the way past the track and that is the goal, that is what we are supposed to do. And it is very hard I mean very hard. No group has flicked the train all of the way passed the manila track. I hope today will be my lucky day so my group could flick it passed the manila track. Today my group will probably will try new designs or try to make the designs that we tried even better. It will be a great experience.

My expert book reflection

Last month I was working on my expert book, it was very hard but I finished it and it felt awesome! My topic was about football, I chose it because I was always a very big fan of football so it inspired me to write about football. I made lots of changes and I even had to start the book over. My first book was going to be about really good players but then I thought about how I need to write a nonfiction book about football, not about good players. So I wrote about basics, offense, defense, special teams and a whole lot more. So I hope after you read my book you will love football too!

My Expert Book About Football

This is my expert book and I really like football so I wanted to share it with you so I hope you like football too after you read his book.

Thanks for reading!!!