Rube Goldberg #5 – Our Success
Our Rube Goldberg was very frustrating because we had so many fails before our first success. Several times we dropped the basketball it bounced over the truck and didn’t hit the blocks. Since that kept on happening we moved the truck farther from the ramp. We used a stick each time to mark where the truck was so that if it failed we could move it, and if it worked we could keep it at the same place. Then, our next challenge was getting the cup just right so the ball would fall into it. The cup couldn’t be to high or too low it had to be just perfect so the ball would fall in. taping the tubes were also a challenge. We discovered when the tape was to tight there wasn’t enough air flow and the ball would get stuck.
We kept getting closer and closer and our last change was to move the toilet paper roll to the end of the ramp instead of infront of the goal. We weren’t really succeeding well at first but at last, we succeeded! My group and I were so happy and relieved.