English storyboard
My story board has nine pictures. The first one is me on a dog walk. I included it because i have been taking more dog walks because I have more time. The second picture is my dad doing a puzzle. In the beginning of quarantine a lot of people were doing puzzles. We all started it and only my dad kept doing it. The third picture is me seeing my friend for the first time during quarantine. It was raining and freezing. We had to be outside. The next picture is my friends birthday. We all went to see him in his front yard. The next picture is me playing basketball with my brother which we have been doing a lot. The next picture is a water slide that my parents bought for the pool. It was fun while it lasted but it broke.l. I was reallly excited when my pool opened. The next picture is of my mom on Mother’s Day wearing a mask because she was making food for her parents. The last picture is another dog walk by duck pond. The words that come to my mind when i see these pictures are friends and family.