Tag: spark video

Immigrant blog post #4 – the slide show

Since we did the immigrant interview. We were assigned to make a Spark Video of it. The Spark Video is supposed to be a story told of the immigrant. We were supposed to use narration, text  and photos. My teacher said if we have no text on the slide, and just have voice recording than we have to at least have a photo. For the voice recording for the video I had to listen to the actuall video to get it together.


The video had to be 3 minutes long minimum with some what like 20 slides. IN spark video you can use something called a theme. I picked the focus one. Since the slideshow has to be three minutes long each of my slides is around 7 seconds.


It was easier than I thought to do the slides. I had to find a specific picture that connected with my voiceover. Overall I am having fun doing the immigrant slide show for Spark Video. 

Blog post number 2 – Spark Video



We make our interview into a video and then put our interview video into a website called Spark Video. Spark Video is a really cool and easy website to make slideshows and more. Before we put our interview video into Spark Video we did a practice video about Rube Goldberg. Which was one of our earlier projects. For our practice Rube Goldberg slideshow we were assigned to make a 10 slide video. We put in pictures and text. Mr. Casal showed us a lot we could do with Spark Video and I was excited to try it out.


Mr. Casal showed us voice recorder which I thought was something really cool that I wanted to use. In my first slide for my Rube Goldberg I wrote This is my Rube Goldberg slideshow for an intro. I kept on working on my slides putting pictures and text. Eventually Mr. Casal showed us something called a post. A post is basically a slide but you can explore and add much more. I made a post and put it in my 8th slide. I am really excited for my next Spark Video slideshow.