Titanic – Blog Post #2

Pretty much everybody knows what the Titanic is. It’s the “unsinkable” ship from the 1900s that was struck with tragedy, sinking in the Atlantic Ocean.

Nobody knows exactly why it sank. The most popular theory is that it hit an iceberg, but engineers have researched and found another, more plausible theory.

Everything is made out of some material. And all material breaks, but some are harder to break than others. For example, diamond is harder to break than steel, and steel is harder to break than wood. But, if these materials were to be exposed to harsh and different weathers, they’d be easier or harder to break, depending on the material. So, because of this, engineers have realized that the reason the Titanic sank because of the extreme cold altering it’s material’s strength.

1 Comment on Titanic – Blog Post #2

  1. jcalvert
    December 1, 2020 at 3:21 pm (3 years ago)

    Nicely done!


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