Swift Playgrounds 3

This is a code I made, it makes it so that the program asks you questions, and you answer. It was hard to have to remember where to add parentheses, and quotation marks. It was also difficult just to be sure that the code would work, but luckily if the code you are trying to use is non-existent, then a red dot will appear next to the line of code. I think that this was definitely not easy, but is was also very fun! It was fun to see the code slowly come together, and also fun to answer the questions myself. I cant wait to code more!

Swift Playgrounds 2


On this level of swift playgrounds, I had to get the gems on all of the stars. What I found difficult about this level is I had to learn how to add turnAround() to the code. That is a new function that I have never  used before this level. This level focused on coding with functions, which is when you connect  different bits of coding together to make a sequence that you can use as a function. I completed all of the levels before this one, and this app is a lot  of fun! I hope you enjoyed this blog!

























Learn to code 1

We did coding in the app Playgrounds today, and this is one of the levels I passed. What I think is hard about this level was the code that was pre written was wrong, and confusing. My choice to deal with this was to delete all of the prior code, and just restarting. I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Music Videos

For homework, we coded music videos using Tynker. I found a music video that I think is especially good. I liked the video because all of the characters are animated, and the background is a stage so it is like a real music video! What I liked about the animation is the characters aren’t just moving their fingers or their hands, they are nodding their heads, and bopping them up and down too. I liked the music because it has guitar music in the beginning as well as everything else, but then the guitar stops playing, and everything else continues, I like this because it is like the guitar was an intro. I hope you enjoyed this blog about the music videos we made, have a nice day!