Capstone blog post #3

I can’t believe Capstone flew by so quickly. This project was the best project I’ve had in my life because I got to interview new people and even doing research was fun. Everything for capstone was fun. I did an adobe spark video because out of all the video options it’s the best. The reason for this is because it has the most fun and challenging options to use.
When I was recording the whole time in the background I would hear people screaming. It was soooo annoying because it took at least 10 tries for each slide until they were quiet. This annoyed me greatly because it took so long. When I was searching for pictures and put them in they were very fuzzy so I had to search for so many photos till it was perfect.
I am looking forward to sharing my final product because it took me a long time to finish it and I want people to know what I did.
All throughout my project I was thinking don’t mess up don’t mess up and it worked. My project was very fluid and very fun. I wish I could do Capstone again in 6th grade.

Capstone Post #2

When I heard we had to interview people I was confused because all the doctors are very busy so I thought “Who can I interview?”  I asked my mom and she said I could interview some people that she works with. The people that I interviewed were Geoff Rohem and Jonathan Harber.

Mr. Roehm is the Executive Director of Launch a charter Middle School in Queens. He thinks things are going to go back to normal after next year. 

Mr. Harbor is an entrepreneur, which is someone who starts a business. He was CEO and co-founder of Schoolnet but then later sold it to Pearson. He continues to work in the education technology industry. He thinks teachers will work from home and only the students that need a physical place to be can go to school. He also thinks there will be high-quality online schools developed as a result of current events that students and families who are looking for more flexibility may be interested in.

Below are the interview questions I created for each interview.

My questions for Geoff were:

  • How do you think teaching and learning are going during the pandemic so far?
  • What do you think is going well?
  • What do you think is going poorly?
  • What’s the biggest challenge for educating students?
  • How well do you think you were prepared for distance learning?
  • Do you think schools will reopen with students in the building?
  • How will that be different than in the past?
  • Will there be limitations on the number of students allowed?
  • With fewer students in the room, how will that impact teaching/learning?
  • How will distance learning be structured?
  • Will classrooms be structured differently?  (table versus desk)
  • How will that impact teaching/learning?
  • How will less student collaboration impact education? 
  • Will recess be allowed?
  • Will students eat lunch at school and how would it happen?
  • How will decreased socialization opportunities impact learning?
  • Will specials like art and music be taught?

My questions for Jonathan were:

  1. Currently, distance learning for me involves a few zooms a week and a lot of independent assignments.  Do you think that will stay the same next year or change?
  2. What do you think educators have learned over the past few months in terms of distance learning?
  3. What technology trends were happening before COVID and how will that change or accelerate?
  4. How do you think education will be impacted beyond next year?
  5. Do u have any thought about Bill Gates working with NYC to reimagine education
  6. Are there going to be any products or platforms do you think will play a big role in the long term.
  7. Do you think kids will have to go back to school 180 days a year in the future





Capstone Post #1

In school we are having the biggest project of the year and I’m really excited. It’s called Capstone and my project is about the impact of COVID 19 on education. My main inquiry question is “How Is COVID-19 Projected To Affect Education?” After we find our main inquiry question we have to come up with 5 sub-questions.

What was helpful when choosing my main inquiry question was that there are so many articles to get information about it because it’s impacting everyone’s life right now and will for some time. Another thing that was helpful was that my mom and teacher helped me with my main inquiry question.    

What was challenging about finding my main inquiry question was I narrowed my topic down to COVID-19 and its impact on education and it was hard to develop a main inquiry question about that. But I got through and I’m completely fine. Honestly, I think coming up with the main inquiry question may be one of the hardest parts about Capstone.

What I learned about myself as a learner is that I like to work at my own pace. On important projects like these, I don’t rush ahead because I want to get all the little details right.