Technology is…

Technology is something made by humans to make life easier or that solves a problem.

My object is technology because it solves a problem.

My object an ice tray solved a problem by holding ice.

The ice tray made life easier by instead of holding ice you can put in the tray.

My object is made out of plastic, rough, blue, rigid, light ,hard,flat and rough.



Ice tray




Maglev blog post #2

Maglev blog post #2


We made it levitate high and with a push it did not go from one side of the track to the other because it was tipping over. In the middle of the track we placed a total of 4 disk magnets on the track and 2 disk magnets next to each other on each side. We put all of the disk magnets on the track north and and all the strip magnets on the train north so it would levitate.


What we did that failed today was we put way too much tape on the train and it was too heavy so it was not levitating as much and it was also tipping over and last but not least when we pushed it went nowhere. What we learned was to take the tape off so it was not as heavy. Also what we learned was if we took the tape off it would not tip over. What we changed is put more strip magnets on the track and put 4 disk magnets in the middle of the track so it would levitate really high. Since we took the tape off the vehicle was not tipping.


For our next design we are going to try to make it levitate smoothly and carefully to the other side of the track so we can put the passengers on and if it does work we will go into the improve phase. Also we going to try to make it levitate higher. I am really excited to see what it looks like at the end of maglev.

My group



Maglev blog post #1

Maglev post #1


A maglev train is a train that levitates above the track by magnets. Are idea was to put one strip magnet on the track and  three disk on the strip magnet across 7 times. What we did on the train two disk magnets connected to the train.

What we did to make it work was to put magnets north and north to make it levitate above the track. What we did wrong was we put magnets all over the track and train and we did north and south so it attracted instead of repelling.

At the beginning we were scratchy and doing a bunch of things wrong and we kept on trying but then finally we thought of something else and guess what it almost worked.

My planning page

My Expert Book – The Amazing Game Roblox

I wrote about Roblox because I play it every day. I  took pictures from my i Pad and sent it to my drive. I tried to look for books about Roblox but I could not find any.  I put in a few text structures for example pros and cons, compare and contrast, text features, subtitles and glossary. I also learned that you could put in a mini story. My mini story is about Wizard Tycoon. I had to talk like an expert or I would not be writing about Roblox. Also instead of just writing facts you could add some ideas. I also used I but then Mrs. Degrazia told me to change it. I learned to connect my chapters to have a logical sequence. Also your pictures need to match your words. Remember this is an expert book you will learn something. Hope your walking away thinking about something on Roblox.