Safety in Technology

Here are some safety rules in technology-

  1. slow down, think before you act
  2. dress responsibly-tie hair back long hair, no baggy clothes and dangling jewelry
  3. don’t assume you know training before tools
  4. power tools need concentration-NO TALKING WHEN USING MACHINERY
  5. protect your eyes-always wear safety glasses
  6. before using machine get instruction, get permission, inspect machinery
  7. use all guards when using machines-SHUT OFF and before making adjustments unplug
  8. power tools are dangerous never leave tool running unattended
  9. soldering irons are hot- be cautious soldering irons heat to over 842 F
  10. xacto knives, saws, and awls be careful when handling sharp things
  11. walk all the time never nudge or push someone
  12. report all accidents burns cuts, scratches, and splinters no matter how small



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