My persuasive essay from school

Hello guys! I’m back with a brand new post. It’s my persuasive writing piece from my school! I hope you enjoy it!

Dear Mr. Wilson,

Children at Fox Meadow need extra P.E. time. Kids at Fox Meadow need some kind of way to exercise during the Winter. P.E. is a simple way to solve this problem. P.E. can also help with kids’ health.  It’s very fun to play games while improving their health. I’m always complaining I don’t move around a lot. This is why I think that we should have more P.E. time!

One reason is P.E. relieves stress. When you exercise, it releases a hormone that is good because it relieves stress and makes you feel good, refreshed, and happy after exercising instead of still being stressed out. This hormone is called “Cortisol”. This is good because stress isn’t good for your health. For example, once I was raging because my brother was blaming me for being late for school. Lucky for me, I had P.E. that morning. After P.E., I forgot all about being stressed out this morning and had a better day than I would’ve if I didn’t have P.E.! 

Additionally, kids can have a much healthier future if they have more P.E. time. Exercise will reduce your risk of obesity. It means you have a lower chance of being overweight. Being obese increases you chance of diabetes, a disease that is responsible for half of all of the deaths in the United States alone!! That is very dangerous to the human population. Don’t you want your students to have a healthy future without this deadly disease? P.E. helps cure it and prevent it in the first place!

Lastly, P.E. helps kids learn how to cooperate with each other. One time when I was in first grade, I didn’t want to work with other people. Then I had P.E., which improved my communication skills because I communicated with my classmates on a plan to win the game called “Castle Ball”. Castle Ball is a game we play in P.E. to help our throwing skills. The objective is to knock the other teams castle down. It helped with my communication skills because I had to tell my teammates to block the balls and they told me where the balls were. For example, my friend Ben was standing besides me. Suddenly, I spied a ball coming in his direction. I shouted”To your left, Ben!”, and he listened and blocked the ball that was coming at like one million miles per hour. Later in the game, my other friend Gavin dove but missed a ball coming in my direction and he screamed ”incoming!”, so I dove for the ball and blocked a shot that would’ve wrecked our castle. I learned that it’s important to know how to communicate because then you can be more social and have a happier, easier, and cherished future.

You might think that we shouldn’t have P.E. more often because kids wouldn’t be learning as many things. However, only happy and healthy kids can learn well. 

You need to let us kids have more P.E. time. P.E always does the favor of relieving kid’s stress. It can also help benefit kids health. Lastly, it can help kids communicate with each other. What are you waiting for! Go increase our P.E. time!

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